Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1411

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· XCIV INDEX. Postal Service-Continued. Page. Unlawful acts-Continued. Letter receptacle-Continued. Deposit in, of matter on which postagc unpaid_____________ 667 Vehicle hire from postal employees, authorized _ _______ _____________ 1205 Postal Treaties and Conventions: Authority of Postmastcr General t.:> conclude_______________________ 943 Finality of decisions construing pro- visions of _____ _________________ 9 ·13 Postmaster General. See also Post Office Department. Postmaster General: Air Illail contract awards prohibited when salary exceeding $17,500 paid___________________________ 305 Salary reduction, employment on part-time basis_ _ _ _ _ __________ 305 Air mail laws, revision of. See Air Mail Act. Air mail transportation, loan of Army airplanes, etc., during emergency _.. 508 Commissions on false returns of post- masters, authority to withhold __ . _ 989 Drugs and medicines, poisonous, trans- mission in mails may be limited by _ 1063 Postal savings deposits, withdrawals undcr regulations oL __ ____ __ ____ 182 Postal treaties and conventions; au- thority to conclude___ ____ ___ ___ _ 943 Finality of decisions construing lJro- visions_ ______________________ 943 Postmasters, adjustment of claims for 1088es due to burglary, fire, and bank failures since April 1, 1924_ _ 990 Public building projects, equitable dis- tribution to relieve unemploy- ment__________________________ 1062 Telegraph companies and liues, pc>wers transferred to Federal Communi- cations Commission__ ___________ 1102 Transfer of records to Federal Com- nlUnications Comlliission _________ 1102 United Su..tes Employment Service, franking privileges extended to_ __ 117 Postmasters. See Postal Service. Post Office Department- Appropriation for- Accounts, Bureau oL______________ 443 Buildings, care, etc., oL _ _ _________ 449 Chief Inspector, Office oL__________ 443 Inspectors, salaries, etc __________ 444 Contingent expenses____ . __________ 443 First A88istant Postmaster General, Office of _________ . _________ 443, 445 Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, Office vI. _____ ____ _____ 443, 447 Equipment shops, material, etc ___ 448 Post Office Department-Continued. Pap. Appropriation for-Continued. Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, Office of-Continued. Miscellaneous equipment. __ _ . . _ _ _ 447 Postal Savings System supplies_ _ _ 447 Rent, etc., for first-, secondo, and third-class offices ______ . _____ 448 Vehicle allowance for delivery _ _ _ _ 448 Postmaster Gcneral, Officc of _____ 442, 444 Damage claims _____ . . __ ___ __ __ 444 Inventiolls, cash rewards to em- ployces for _ . ___ .__. _.. __ ... 444 Law dolations, rewards for de- tccting_ ______ ______ ___ ___ __ 444 Printing and binding____ .. _____ . _. 443 Purchasing Agent, Officc of. ____ _ _ _ _ 443 Second Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, Office of ___ . __ .___. _. __ 443, 445 Balanccs due foreign countries_ _____ 446 Indemnity, lost iuternational maiL 446 Railway Mail Scryice____________ 446 Transportation of mails ________ 445,446 Solicitor, Office of. ______ __________ 443 Third Assistant Postmaster General, Officeof. _ _________________ 443, 446 Indemnity, lost domestic maiL _ __ 447 Deficiency appropriation for- Audited claims _______ 104,283, 1051, 1054 Chief Inspector, Office oL__________ 1038 Rewards, payment of ____________ 1038 Damage claims ___ . . . ___ .__ 100,280, 1045 Appropriation Act, fiscal year, 1918, amendment, transportation of in- toxicating liquor into State pro- hibiting sale, etc., of uulawfuL _ _ _ 316 Contractors, liability of, for loss or damage to mails _____ . . __ _______ 952 Deficiencies, appropriatiolls from Treas- ury to supp]'y ___________________ 450 Migratory waterfowl hunting stamps, issue of. _ ______________________ 45I Payments forbidden to persons after Senate rejects nominatiolls_ ______ 450 Railway Mail Service, promotion to position of chief clerk in_ _ _ ______ 880 Rural Mail Delivery Service, equipment maintenam'e allowance to carriers Illay be suspended, etc., fiscal year 1934 _______ __ ________________ 306 Scientific investigations by Bureau of Standards______________________ 449 Travel expenses of civilians when trans- ferred; restriction_ ______________ 450 United States Employment Service, franking privileges extended to_ ___ 111 Vehicles, restriction on purchase, ex- change, use, etc_________________ 450 Post Office Department Appropriation Act. 1935. See Post Office Department.