Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/238

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH.91. JUNE 16, 1933 . Not to serve on Cow - President may direct ; except that the Coordinator shall not sit as a mission of review . member of the Commission in any proceedings for the review or sus- Powers and duties of pension of any order issued by him as Coordinator . The Coordina- coordmator, for shall have such powers and duties as are hereinafter set forth and prescribed, and may, with the approval of the President and with- out regard to the civil service laws and the Classification let of 1923, as amended, appoint and fix the compensation of such assistants and agent s, in additio n to the assis tance provide d by the Comm ission, as may be necessary to the performance of his duties under this Act . The office of the Coordinator shall be in Washington, District of Columbia, and the Commission shall provide such office space, facilities, and assistance as he may request and it is able to furnish . The Coordinator shall receive such compensation as the President shall fix, except that if designated from the Commission, he shall receive no compensation in addition to that which he receives as a member of the Commission . SEc. 3 . The Coordinator shall divide the lines of the carrier s into three groups, to wit, an eastern group, a so uthern group , and a western group, and may from time to time make' such changes or subdivisions in such groups as he may deem to be neces- sary or desirable . At the earliest practicable date after the Coordi- nator shall have initially designated such groups, three re gion al coordin ating committe es shall be c reated, one f or each group, and each committee shall consist of five regular members and two special membe rs . The carriers in each group, acting each through its board of directors or its receiver or receivers or trustee or trustees or through an officer or officers designated for the purpose by such board, shall select the regular members of the committee representing that group, and shall prescribe the rules under which such committee shall operate ; but no railroad system shall have more than one rep- resenta tive on any su ch committee . In suc h se lect ion each car rier shall have a vote in proportion to its mileage lying within the group . The two spe cial membe rs of each committee shall be selected in such manner as the Coordinator may approve, one to represent the steam railroads within the group which had in 1932 railway operating revenues of less than $1,000,000 and the other t o represent el ectric railwa ys within the group not owned by a steam railroad or operated as a part of a general steam railroad system of transportation . Each such special member shall have reas onable notice of all meetin gs of his com mittee at which any natter affecting any carrier which he represents is to be con- sidered, and may participate in the consideration and disposi- tion of such matter . Members of the committees may be removed from office and vacancies may be filled in like manner . SEC . 4 . The purposes of this title are (1) to encourage and promote or require action on the part of the carriers and of tsubsidi- aries subject to the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, which will (a) avoid unnecessary duplication of servic es and facilit ies of whatsoever nature and permit the joint use of terminals and track- age incident thereto or requisite to such joint use : Provided, That no routes now existing shall be eliminated except with the consent of all participating lines or upon order of the Coordinator, (b) control allowances, accessorial services and the charges therefor, and other practices affecting service or operation, to the end that undue impairment of net earnings may be preve nted, and (c ) avo id other wastes and preventable expense ; (2) to promote financial reorganization of the carriers, with due regard to legal right s, so as to reduce fixed charges to the extent required by the public inter- Appointment of as- si sta nts Location, etc , of office. Compensation ; re- strictio n. Coo rdin ator to di- vide carriers into three regional groups. Post, p . 974. Regional coordinat- ing committees to be cr eat ed . Mem bers hip . Selection by carriers

rules governing opem- tion . Railroad system lim- ited to one representa- tive . Vote. Sele ctio n of two spe- cialmembers; to rep- resent steam and elec- tric rai lroad s . Notice of meetings, etc . Removals and va- cancies . Purposes of title . Avoid unnecessaro duplication, etc , joint use of tracks and ter- minals. Proviso. Rest rict ion o n el imi- nating existing routes. Control all owanc es and accessorial serviec


Promote economies . Fina ncial reo rgani za- tion of carriers .