Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/331

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 101. JUNE 16, 1933.

305 shall not operate to require such impoundment under appropriations contained in this Act . SE C. 5 . Whenever it shall appear to the President, in respect of Modification of con- any cont ract ent ered int o by the Uni ted Stat es p rior to the date of

con - t racts for trfl nspor ta- enactment of this Act for the transportation of persons and/or things, that the full performance of such contract is not required in the pub lic int erest, and th at modi ficatio n or c ancella tion of such con- Cancellation . tract will result in substantial savings to the United States, the Pres iden t is her eby, upo n gi ving six ty d ays' not ice and oppo rtun ity Notice of intention . for public hearing to the parties to such contract, authorized, in Hearing. his dis cretion , on or before April 30, 1935. to modify or cancel such contract. Whenever the President shall modify or cancel any such contract, he shall determine just compensation therefor ; and Compensation . if the amount thereof, so determined by the President, is unsatis- fact ory to t he i ndiv idua l, f irm, or corp orat ion enti tled to rece ive the same, such individual, firm, or corporation shall be entitled to rec eive such por tion thereof as the Preside nt shall dete rmine and shall be entitled to sue the United States to recover such further Suits against united States authorized when sum as, added to said portion so received, will make up such amount accord not reached as will be just compensation therefor, in the manner provided for U.S.C., pp . 85« 897. by paragraph 2 0 of section 41 and sectio n 250 of title 28 of the United States Code : Pro vide d, That wher e any such con tract makes Procieo . Compensation , when provision for settlement in the event of modification or cancellation, c ontra ct co ntai ns se ttle- the am ount o f just comp ensati on as determ ined hereun der sh all mdi moth clause in event of fication . not exceed such amount as is authorized by said contract. Any Appropriations an- appropriation out of which payments upon the said contract were thorized . authorized to be made is hereby made available for the payment of such just compensation . SEC . 6 . Hereafter the Postmaster General shall not award any air Air mail contracts . mail contract or any ocean mail contract under the Merchant Marine Awarding prohib- Act of 1928 to any individuals, companies, or corporations, which ited, whe n sal ary ex- singly or in combination with other individuals, companies, or cor- ceeding $17,500 paid . porations pay any salary or salary combined with bonus, to any officer, agent, or employee in excess of $17,500 . If such individuals, Com- Salary reduction,em- anies or corporations employ any officer, agent, or employee on a basisment on part-time part-time basis, such salar, osalry combined d ith bons shall be reduced in pro portion to su ch part-time employment . SEC . 7. Whenever the President after investigation shall find ser ices rendered and artleles sold by Ex- that the charge or charges established by or in accordance with ecutive Department, existing law for any service rendered or article sold by any executive etc department, commission, or other executive agency of the United States is less than the cost of such service or thing determined by the President in accordance with sound principles of accounting, he is hereby authorized, in his discretion, by Executive order to Exeentive order in- increase such charge or charges in such amount as he may determine creasing charges for . will return to the Government the cost of such service . The Termi nati on o f an- authority gr anted to the President to order increase s in charges thorlty . hereunder sh all cease upo n the expirat ion of two yea rs after the date of the enactment of this Act . SEC . 8 . (a) Whenever at any time hereafter prior to July 1, 1935, Retirement provi- sion, employees having any employee of the United States or the District of Columbia thirty years service . t o whom the Civil Service Retirement Act, approved May 29, 1930 U.S C

Pup .vI,p (U.S.C., Supp . VI, title 5, chap . 14), applies, who has an aggregate 40. period of service of at least thirty years computed as prescribed in section 5 of such Act, is involuntarily separated from the Annuity pa yment when involuntarily service for reasons other than his misconduct, such employee separated for other shall be entitled to an annuity computed as provided in section than raiseonauct . 4 of such Act paya ble from the civil service retirement an d dis- ability fund less a suns equal to 3 1/2 per centum of such annuity
