Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/35

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 3. MARCH 20, 1933 . (e) For the purpose of subparagraph (b) of this section, the World War shall be deemed to have ended November 11, 1918 . SEC . 2. The minimum a nd maximum monthly r ate of pens ion which may be paid for disability or death shall be as follows : For disability, from $6 to $275 ; for death, from $12 to $75 . SEC . 3 . For each class of persons specified in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of section 1 of this title the President is hereby authorized to prescribe by regulation th e minimum degr ees of disabi lity and such higher degrees of disability, if any, as in his judgment should be recognized and prescribe the rate of pension payable for each such degree of disability . In fixing rates of pensions for disability or death the President shall prescribe by regulation such differentia- tion as he may deem just and equitable, in the rates to be paid to veterans of different wars and/or their dependents and to be paid for (a) Disabilities and deaths resulting from disease or injury incurred or aggravated in line of duty in war-time service ; (b) Disabilities and deaths resulting from disease or injury incurred or aggravated in line of duty in peace-time service ; (c) Disabilities and deaths not incurred in service . SEC . 4 . The President shall prescribe by regulation (subject to the provisions of section 1 (e) of this title) the date of the beginning and of the termination of the period in each war subsequent to the C ivil War , in clud ing the, Box er R ebel lion and the Phi lipp ine Insu r- rection, service within which shall for the purposes of this Act be deemed war-time service . The President shall further prescribe by regulation the required number of days of war or peace time service for each class of veterans, the time limit on filing of claims for each class of veter ans and their dependents, the nature and extent of proofs and presumptions for such different classes, and any other requirements as to entitlement as he shall deem equitable and just . The President in establishi ng conditions precedent may prescribe different requirements or conditions for the veterans of different wars and their dependents and may further subdivide the classes of persons as outlined in section 1 of this title and apply different requirements or conditions to such subdivisions . SEC . 5. All decisions rendered by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs under the provisions of this title, or the regulations issued pursuant thereto, shall be final and conclusive on all questions of law and fact, and no other officia l or co urt of the Un ited St ates s hall have j urisdi ction to re view b y mand amus o r oth erwise any s uch decisio n . SEC . 6 . In addition to the pensions provided in this title, the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs is hereby authorized under such limitations as may be prescribed by the President, and within the limits of existing Veterans' Administration facilities, to furnish to veterans of any war, including the Boxer Rebellion and the Philip- pine Insurrection, domiciliary care where they are suffering with permanent disabilities, tuberculosis or neuropsychiatric ailments and medical and hospital treatment for diseases or injuries . SEC. 7. The Administrator of Veterans' Affairs subject to the gen- eral direction of the President and in accordance with regulations to be issued by the President shall administer, execute, and enforce the provisions of this title and for such purpose shall have the same authority and powers as are provided in sections 425, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 440, 442, 443, 444 . 447, 450, 451, 453, 455, 457, 458, 459, 459a, 459c, 459d, 459e, 459f, title 38, U . S. C ., and such other sections of title 38, U . S . C ., as relate to the administration of the laws gra nting pension s . P eace- time serv ice . 9 Fixin g World War service. Minimum and maxi. mum rates. Post, p. 524. Degre es of disabil ity. Death. War-time service . Not in service . Prescribing duration of certain wars . Regulations as to service, claims, etc . Classification, condi- tions, etc Finality of decisions . Domiciliary care . Post, pp. 301, 525 . Ad minis trat or of Vet - erans' Affairs. Authority, etc . U.S.C., p . 1215.