Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/477

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH.71. MAR CH 16, 1934 .

451 (CHAPTER 71 .] AN ACT

March 16, 1934 . To supplement and support the Migratory Bird Conservation Act by providing [H .R . 5632.] funds for the acquisition of areas for use as migratory-bird sanctuaries, refuges,

Public, No . 124.1 and breeding grounds, for developing and administering such areas, for the protection of certain migratory birds, for the enforcement of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and regulations thereunder, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That after the Migratory Bird Con• expiration of ninety days after the date of enactment of this Act s Vol. 40,,p. 755; Vol. no perso n over sixte en yea rs of age sh all tak e any migrat ory wa ter- 45 Voli39,p.1702. fowl unless at the time of such taking lie carries on his person an Huningstamp, pr unexpired Federal migratory-bird hunting stamp issued to him in visions . the manner hereinafter provided ; except that no such stamp shall be Ex cept ions . required for the taking of migratory waterfowl by Federal or State institutions or official agencies, for propagation purposes or by the resident owner tenant or share cropper of the property or officially de signat ed age ncies of the Depar tment of Agri cultur e for the ki lling of such waterfowl when found injuring crops or other property, under such restrictions as the Secretary of Agriculture may by reReg ulations Agby See - re gulati on pre scribe . Th e Sec retar y of Agri cultu re sh all, imme di- at ely up on the passa ge of this A ct, ad opt and promu lgate such r egu- lations as are pertinent to the protection of private property in the injury of crops . Any person to whole a stamp has been issued under St amps ; ins pec tio n this Act shall upon request exhibit such stamp for inspection to any of. officer or employee of the Department of Agriculture authorized to enforce the provisions of this Act or to any officer of any State or any political subdivision thereof authorized to enforce game laws . SEC . 2 . That the stamps required under this Act shall be issued, Issu e of, by Po st and the fees therefor collected, by the Post Office Department, under office Department . regulations prescribed jointly by the Secretary of Agriculture and Collection of fee , the Postmaster General : Provided, That stamps shall be issued at Proviso . the post office or post offices of all county seats in the several States, Issuin g offices . at all post offices in all ci ties with a popul ation of two thous and five hundred or over and at such other post offices as said officers may by regulation prescribe . Each such stamp shall, at the time of issuance, to game licen se be affixed be affixed adhesivel y to the game lice nse issu ed to the applican t under State law, if the applicant is required to have a State license, or, if the applicant is not required to have a State license, to a certificate furnished for that purpose by the Post Office Department at the time of issuance of such stamp . For each such stamp issued under Fee . the provisions of this Act, there shall be collected by the postmaster Duration . thesumof$1. Each stamp shall expire and be void after the 30th day of June next succeeding its issuance . SEC . 3 . Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize any compliance wit n State game laws and perso n to take any migra tory wate rfowl othe rwise tha n in accor d- treaties . s, pp . 1702. ante with regulations adopted and approved pursuant to any treaty heretofore or hereafter entered into between the Unite States and any other country for the protection of migratory birds, nor to exempt any person from complying with the game laws of the several States . SEC. 4 . All moneys received for such stamps shall be accounted for saMat 9 ion°und,rstamp by the postmaster and paid into the Treasury of the United States, receipts to constitute. and shall be reserved and set aside as a special fund to be known as the migratory bird conservation fund, to be administered by the Expenditures author- Secretary of Agriculture . All moneys received into such fund are i zea , hereby appropriated for the following objects and shall be available therefo r unti l expe nded