Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/54

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73d CO NGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 19. APRIL 5, 1933 . assessor of the District of Columbia, on a form to be prescribed by the Commissioners, a statement under oath showing the quantity of all beverages sold by him during the preceding calendar month . Outside manufac- SEC. 10 . No " on sale " or " off sale " permittee shall purchase any turer . Sales by, without bev erage fro m any manu fact urer or wh oles aler doing busi ness out- permit . side of the District of Columbia and not holding a permit issued unde r the provis ions o f this Act, and tra nsport or ca use th e same to be transported into the District of Columbia for resale, unless such man ufact urer or w holes aler has obtai ned from the C ommis sion ers a certificate of approval, which certificate shall not be granted unless and until such m anufac turer or who lesaler shall have agreed with the Commissioners to furnish to the assessor of the District of Columbia, sworn statements of. on or before the tenth day of each month, a report under oath, on a form to be prescribed by the Commissioners, showing the quantity of beverages sold or delivered to each "onsale"or"offsale"per- Revo cati on of per - mittee during the preceding calendar month . If any such manu- mits . factur er or who lesaler s hall, aft er obtain ing such certifica te, fail to submit any such report, the Commissioners shall, in their discretion, revoke such certificate . lease levied and cot- SEC . 11 . There shall be levied and collected by the District of Post, pp . 334 . 336. Columbia on all beverages sold by any "onsale" or "offsale" permittee within the District of Columbia a tax of $1 for every barrel of beverages containing not more than thirty-one gallons, and at a like rate for any other quantity, or for the fractional parts Date when due . thereof . The tax imposed by this section shall be paid by the "on sale " or " off sale " permittee to the collector of taxes of the District of Columbia on or before the 10th day of each month for beverages sold by the permittee during the preceding calendar month . Vol . 39, act repealed . ealed . SEC . 12. The Act entitled "An Act to prohibit the manufacture Excep tion s .

and sale of alcoholic liquors in the District of Columbia, and for "Alco holi c liquo r"

,~ construed . other purposes , approved March 3, 1917, with the exception of sections 11 and 20 thereof, is hereby repealed ; except that the term " alcoholic liquor " used in said section 11 of such Act shall not be cons trued to i nclud e be verag es au thor ized to be man ufact ured and sold by this Act . sales to m inor s.

SE C. 13.No"offsale" perm ittee shall give o r sell , and no "on sale" permittee shall give, sell, or serve, any beverage to any person Punishment for . under eigh teen year s of age . Any pers on vi olat ing t he pr ovis ions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $100, or be impris- oned not longer than six months, or be subject to both such fine and imprisonment . prRe bl aatt ions to be SEC . 14 . The Commissioners are hereby authorized to prescribe such rules and regulations not inconsistent with law, as they may deem necessary, for the issuance of perm its, and for the manu- facture , sale , offe r for sale, or sol icitati on of orders for s ale of beverages, and the operation of the business of permittees . Such regulations may be altered or amended fr om time to time as the Commissioners may deem desirable . Inspections.

SEC . 15 . It shall be the duty of the Commissioners to cause fre- quent inspections to be made of all premises with respect to which Revocation of permit any permit shall have been issued under this Act . If any permittee for v iolations, etc . violates any of the provisions of this Act or any of the rules and regulations of the Commissioners promulgated pursuant thereto, or fails to superintend in person or through a manager approved by the Commissioners the business for which the permit was issued, or allows the premises with respect to which the permit of such permittee was issued to be used for any unlawful, disorderly, or immoral purposes, or knowingly employs in the sale or distribution