Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/597

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 104, 105 . APRIL 7, 9, 1934 . UNITE D STATES HOU SING CORPORA TION Salaries and expenses : For officers, clerks, and other employees, and for contingent and miscellaneous expenses, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including blank books, maps, stationery, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, freight and express charges, com- munication service, travel expense, printing and binding not to exceed $150, and all other miscellaneous items and expenses not included in the foregoing and necessary to collect and account for the receipts from the sale of properties and the receipts from the opera- tion of unsold properties of the United States Housing Corporation, the Bureau of Industrial Housing and Transportation, property commandeered by the United States through the Secretary of Labor, and to collec t the amount s adva nced t o trans portat ion fa ciliti es and others ; for payment of special assessments and other utility, munici- pal, St ate, a nd cou nty ch arges or ass essment s unpa id by purcha sers, and which have been assessed against property in which the United States Housing Corporation has an interest, and to defray expenses incident to foreclosing mortgages, conducting sales under deeds of trusts, or reacquiring title or possession of real property under default p roceeding , includi ng attorn ey fees, witness f ees, cour t costs, charges, and other miscellaneous expenses ; for the maintenance and repair of houses, buildings, and improvements which are unsold ; in all, $9,080 : Provided, That no person shall be employed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $4,000 per annum, and only one person may be employed at that rate : Provi ded f urthe r, That no part of the appropriations heretofore made and available for expendi- ture by the United States Housing Corporation shall be expended for the purposes for which appropriations are made herein . SEC . 2 . That no part of the money appropriated under this Act shall be paid to any person for the filling of any position for which he or she has been nominated after the S enate has voted not to approve of th e nomi nation of sa id per son . This title may be cited as the "Department of Labor Appropria- tion Act, 1935 ." Approved, April 7, 1934 . [CIi APTER 105.1 AN ACT To amend section 3702, Revised Statutes . Be it enacted by the Senate and Ho-use of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 3702 of the Revised Statutes is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following paragraphs "(2) Whenever it appears to the Secretary of the Treasury by clear and unequivocal proof that any interest-bearing bond of the United States, fully identified by number and description, has, with- out bad faith on the part of the owner, been lost to such owner under such circumstances and for such period of time after it has matured o r has beco me r edeem able pursu ant to a call for redem ption as in the judgment of the Secretary would indicate that it had been destroyed or irretrievably lost, is not held by any person as his own pr operty , and will n ot be presen ted by a bona fide holder for v alue, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make payment of the amount which would have been due on such bond had it been pre- sented at the time it became due and payable . But no payment shall be made on account of interest represented by coupons claimed to have been attached to a missing coupon bond at the time of its loss Printing and binding . Prorasos . Salary restriction . Prior appropriations not available . Short title . April 9, 1934. [x .1 528 .1 [Public, No. 144 .] United States inter- est-bearing bonds . R.S ., sec . 3702, p. 731 ; U .S.C ., p. 1024, amended . Payment to owner of lost bond, author . ized . Co ndit ions . 571 United States Hous- ing Corporation . Salaries and ex- pen ses . Restriction on ex- penditure of appropra- teons. interest payment .