Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/789

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 277 . MAY 10, 1934 .

763 to the importation of such articles after the (late of the enactment of the Revenue Act of 1934, and shall not be subject to the pro- visions of subsection (b) (4) of this section (prohibiting draw- back) or section 629 (relating to expiration of taxes) ." SEC . 602 . PROCESSING TAX ON CERTAIN OILS . (a) T here is he reby impo sed u pon the f irst domes tic proce ssing of coconut oil, sesame oil, palm oil, palm kernal t oil, or sunflower oil, or of any combination or mixture containing a substantial quantity of any one or more of such oils with respect to any of which oils there has been no previous first domestic processing, a tax of 3 cents per pound, to be paid by the processor . There is hereby imposed (in addition to the tax imposed by the preceding sentence) a tax of 2 cents per pound, to be paid by the processor, upon the first domestic processing of coconut oil or of any combi- nation or mixture containing a substantial quantity of coconut oil with re spect to whi ch oil there has b een no previo us fir st dom estic processing, except that the tax imposed by this sentence shall not apply when it is established, in accordance with regulations pre- scribed by the Commissioner with the approval of the Secretary, that such coconut oil (whether or not contained in such a combi- nation or mixture), (A) is wholly the production of the Philippine Islands or any other possession of the United States, or (B) was produced wholly from materials the growth or production of the Phili ppine Isla nds or an y oth er p osses sion of th e Un ited State s, or (C) was brought into the United States on or before the 30th day after the date of the enactment of this Act or produced from materials brought into the United States on or before the 30th (lay after the date of enactment of this Act, or (D) was purchased under a bona fide contract entered into prior to April 26, 1934 . or produced from materials purchased under a bona fide contract entered into prior to April 26, 1934 . All taxes collected under this section with respect to coconut oil wholly of Philippine production or produced from materials wholly of Philippine growth or production, shall be held as a separate fund and paid to the Treasury of the Philippine Islands, but if at any time the Philip- pine Government provides by any law for any subsidy to be paid to the producers of copra, coconut oil, or allied products, no further payments to the Philippine Treasury shall be made under this subsection . For the purposes of this section the term "first domestic processing " means the first use in the United States, in the manu- facture or production of an article intended for sale, of the article with respect to which the tax is imposed, but does not include the use of palm oil in the manufacture of tin plate . (b) Each processor required to pay the tax imposed by this sec- tion shall make monthly returns under oath in duplicate and pay the tax to the collector of internal revenue for the district in which is located his principal place of business, or if he has no principal place of business in the United States, then to the collector of internal revenue at Baltimore, Maryland . Such returns shall con- tain such information and be made at such times and in such manner as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, may by regulations prescribe . The tax shall , wit hout asse ssmen t by the Commi ssion er or not ice f rom t he collect or, be due a nd pay able t o the collect or at the ti me so fixed for filing the return . If the tax is not paid when due, there shall rnent alts for be added as part of the tax interest at the rate of 1 per centum per month from the time the tax became due until paid . i So in original. EXCISE TAXES . Processing tax on cer- tai n oils. D esign ated oils , hav - ing no previous domes- tic processing . Additional, on first processing of coconut oil, etc Exemption_. When wholly of Phil- ippine production, etc . Or from materials of island, etc., possessions . Entry before effec- tive date. C ontra ct p urch ases before April 2E. 1924 . Taxes under this see- tion from Philippines held as separate fund and paid to Philippine treasury . Inoperative if Philip- pi ne Governmen t pays sub sidy on copr a, etc . "First domestic pro- cessing" defined . S worn retu rns, tax p ayme nts, etc., re- qui red . Information required . nonp ay-