Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/812

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73d CONGRES S . SESS . II. CHS. 318, 319. MAY 21, 1934 . [CHAPTER 318 .] May 21, 1934.


iS . 2379 .] To provide for the selection of certain lands in the State of Arizona for the use of [Public, No . 239.]

the University of Arizona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Ariz ona . United States of America in Congress assembled, That, subject to Selection of certain lands by, for use of lawful claims initiated by settlement or otherwise prior to August Universit y authorized . Vol. 36, p. 573; Vol. 2, 1932, and maintained in the manner required by law, the State 47, p.151. of Arizona may select for the use of the University of Arizona by legal subdivisions all or any portions of sections 11, 14, 22, and 28 and the east half section 21, township 14 south, range 16 east, Gila and Salt River meridian, Arizona, and upon the submission of satis- factory proof that the land selected contains saguaro groves or growths of giant cacti or are necessary for the care, protection, and conservation of such groves or growths, the Secretary of the Inte- M 0 U2S Minerals reserved . rior shall cause patents to issue therefor : Provided, That there shall be reserved to the United States all coal, oil, gas, or other mineral conta ined in such lands together with the rig ht to prospec t for, mine, and remove the same at such times and under such conditions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe . Appro ved, M ay 21, 1934 . [CHAPTER 319 .1 AN ACT May 21, 1934 .

[5 . 2566 .] Authorizing the conveyance of certain lands to the State of Nebraska . [Public, No . 210.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Genoa Indian School. United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby Conveyance of prop- erty of, to N ebras ka, for granted to the State of Nebraska for institutional purposes the prop- inst itut ional pur poses . erty known and designated as the " Genoa Indian School ", located at Genoa, Nebraska, such grant to include the land and buildings and such equipment as may be designated by the Secretary of the In- Provisos . terior : Provided, That this grant may be effective at any time prior Date of acceptance. t o Jul y 1, 1934, if before that date the Gover nor of the St ate of Nebraska on behalf of the State files an acceptance thereof with the Res ervat ion .

Secretary of the Interior : Provided further, That the right is reserved by the Secretary of the Interior to retain until July 1, 1934, dormitory and other space needed for the housing and care of Indian Admission of Indians pupils now accommodated at said school : Provided further, That as into Stat e institutions . a condition precedent to this grant Indians residing within the State of Nebraska will be accepted in State institutions on entire equality with persons of other races, except that tuition for Indian children Existing rights-of- in the public schools may be paid by the Federa l Government : Pr o - way granted to Loup River Public Power vided further, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as District . affecting the right-of-way heretofore applied for by and agreed to be granted to the Loup River Public Power District of Nebraska across said school property and an easement over the lands falling within said right-of-way is hereby granted to said Loup River Public Power District of Nebraska upon proper identification thereof through survey . Approv ed, Ma y 21, 1934 .