Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/83

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 30. MAY 12, 1933 . (d) The Administ rator shall p rint monthly, and shall sub mit to the President and to the Senate and the House of Representatives (or to the S ecretary of t he Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, if those bodies are not in session), a report of his activities and expenditures under this Act . Such reports shall, when submitted, be printed as public documents . SEC. 4. (a) Out of the funds of the Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration made available by this Act, the Administrator is authorized to make grants to the several States to aid in meeting the costs of furnishing relief and work relief and in relieving the hardship and suffering caused by unemployment in the form of money, service, m ater ials , an d/or com modi ties to prov ide the nece ssit ies of l ife to persons in need as a result of the present emergency, and/or to their dependents, whether resident, transient, or homeless . ( b) Of the am ounts made availa ble by this Act n ot to exceed $2 50,000 ,000 sh all be grante d to th e sever al Sta tes app lying t heref or, in the following manner : Each State shall be entitled to receive grants equal to one third of the amount expended by such State, including the civil subdivisions thereof, out of public moneys from all sources for the purposes set forth in subsection (a) of this sec- tion ; and such grants shall be made quarterly, beginning with the second quarter in the calendar year 1933, and shall be made during any quarter upon the basis of such expenditures certified by the States to have been made during the preceding quarter . (c) The balance of the amounts made available by this Act, except the amount required for administrative expenditures under section 3, shall be used for grants to be made whenever, from an application presented by a State, the Administrator finds that the combined moneys which can be made available within the State from all sources, supplemented by any moneys, available under subsection (b) of this section, will fall below the estimated needs within the State for the purposes specified in subsection (a) of this section : P rovide d, That the Administrator may certify out of the funds made available by this subsection additional grants to States apply- ing therefor to aid needy persons who have no legal settlement in any one State or community, and to aid in assisting cooperative and self-help associations for the barter of goods and services . (d) After October 1, 1933, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), the unexpended balance of the amounts available for the purposes of subsection (b) may, in the discretion of the Administrator and with the approval of the President, be available for grants under subsection (c) . (e) The decision of the Admin istrator as to the purpose of any expenditure shall be final. (f) The amount available to any one State under subsections (b) and (c) of this section shall not exceed 15 per centum of the total amo unt made avai lable by such subsections . SEC . 5 . Any State desiring to obtain funds under this Act shall through its Governor make application therefor from time to time to t he Adm ini st rat or . Each applica tion so made shall present in the manner reque sted b y the Admin istrat or inf ormat ion sh owing (1) the amounts necessary to meet relief needs in the State during the period covered by such application and the amounts available from public or priv ate sou rces w ithin t he Stat e, its politi cal sub divisi ons, and private agencies, to meet the relief needs of the State, (2) the provision made to assure adequate administrative supervision, (3) the provision made for suit able standard s of relief, a nd (4) the purposes for which the funds requested will be used . 57 Monthly reports to be submitted . Printing, as public d ocume nts . Administrator may make grants, to aid relief work of States . Amount available. Proportion of grant to expenditure by State . To be made q uar- terly . Fund for discretion- ary use when combined amounts inadequate . Proviso. Relief of persons hav- ing no legal settlement in a State, etc. Use of balances from Sta te grants . Decision of Admini,- trator final . L imita tion . Governor of State to ma ke applicati on for funds. Ne cessity to be shown. Administrative pro- vision . Standards of relief, use, etc .