Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/879

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 389. JUNE 4, 1934 .


Gasoline tax, road and street fund . For paving, repaving, grading, and otherwise improving streets, and Paving, fete st ree ts aven ues, a nd roa ds, in cludin g pers onal se rvices and t he mai ntenan ce of motor vehicles used in this work, and including curbing and gutters and replacement of curb-line trees where necessary, as follows, to be paid from the special fund created by section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for a tax on mo tor-v ehicl e Vol. 43, p . ioe. fuels sold within the District of Columbia, and for other purposes ", approved April 23, 1924 (43 Stat ., p . 106), and accretions by repay- ment of asses sment s For gra ding s treets , alle ys, an d road s, incl uding constr uction of ,Grading 5t eets, al- necessary culverts and retaining walls, $50,000 ; For surfacing block pavements and paving the unpaved center ments ae in g blockpave- strips of paved roadways, $15,000 ;

Minor changes in For minor changes in roadway and sidewalks on plans to be roadways, etc . approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to facili tate vehi cular and pedestri an traffi c, $5,000 ; For construction of curbs and gutters, or concrete shoulders in shoulders,

g utt ers, connection with all forms of macadam roadways and adjustment of roadways thereto, together with resurfacing and replacing of base of such roadways where necessary, $225,000 ; For the surfacing and resurfacing or replacement of asphalt, Surfacing, etc., pave- granite block, or concrete pavements with the same or other approved material, $350,000 ; For construction, maintenance, operation, and repair of bridges, Bridges, construe- including maintenance of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles, tion, etc $65000 ; For current work of repairs to streets, avenues, roads, and alleys, Street, etc ., repairs . including the reconditioning of existing gravel streets and roads, and incl uding the purc hase, exch ange, mai ntena nce, and opera tion of non passen ger-ca rrying motor vehic les use d in t his wo rk, $7 50,000 : Prov ided , That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, Pnev,so . of asphalt should they deem such action to be to the advantage of the District plant authorized . of Columbia, are hereby authorized to purchase a municipal asphalt plant at a cost not to exceed $30,000 ; This appropriation shall be available for the construction and Street railways, pave- repair of pavements of street railways in accordance with the provi- ments . sions of the Merger Act, approved January 14, 1933 (47 Stat ., p . Vol . 47, p. 752. 752) . The proportion of the amount thus expended which under Proportion 'of ex- the terms of the said Act is required to be paid by the street-railway railwayco cha

to mpany .e company shall be collected, upon the neglect or the refusal of such street-railway company to pay, from the said street-railway com- pany in the manner provided by section 5 of "An Act providing Vol . 20, p. 105. a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia " . approv ed Jun e 11, 1878, and sh all be deposi ted to the c redit of the appropri ation for the fisc al year i n which it is col lected

For completing the construction of a bridge to replace the Calvert c alvertStree°t Bridge, construction . Stre et Br idge over Rock Cree k, in acc ordan ce wi th t he pr ovisi ons Ate,- p. 229. and conditions contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1934, $500,000 ; For the construction of a viaduct or bridge and approaches thereto Eastern Avenue via- in line of Eastern Avenue between Monroe Street and Bladensburg duct, construction. Road northeast, over the tracks and right-of-way of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, in accordance with plans and profiles of said work to be app roved by t he C ommis sione rs of the Dist rict of Columbia, including construction of and changes in sewers and water mains, personal services, and engi neering and incidental