Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/902

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876 Distribution ex- pen ses . Meters . Hydrants . Replacing mains . New mains. Discounts allowed on water charges . Me tered allow ance increased . Ass essment rate s for mains and sewers. Vol.33, p. 244. Proviso. arry Farm subdi- vision . C onstr ucti on w ork, etc ., under Com mis- sioners . 73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 389. JUNE 4, 1934 . labor necessary for the proper execution of this work ; and for con- tingent expenses, including books, blanks, stationery, printing and binding not to exceed $2,500, postage, purchase of technical reference books and periodicals not to exceed $275, and other necessary items, $7,500 ; in all for maintenance, $310,000, of which not exceed- ing $5,000 shall be available for operation of pumps at Bryant Street pumping station upon interruption of service from Dalecarlia pump- ing station . Fo r exte nsion of the water depar tment distrib ution system , layi ng of such service mains as may be necessary under the assessment system , $160 ,000 . For installing and repairing water meters on services to private residences and business places as niay not be required to install meters under existing regulations, as may be directed by the Com- missioners ; said meters at all times to remain the property of the Distri ct of Columb ia, $6 0,000 . For installing fire and public hydrants, $18,800 . For replacement of old mains and divide valves in various loca- tions, on account of inadequate size and bad condition of ipe on account of age, and laying mains in advance of pavements, p $90,0 00, to be immedi ately availa ble . For eight thousand two hundred feet of twenty-inch water main in Nichols Avenue Southeast, from First Street to Blue Plains, $59,000 . For three thousand feet of thirty-inch water main from the thirty-inch main in Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast to Eighteenth Street and Minnesota Avenue Southeast, $42,000 . For seven thousand five hundred feet of sixteen-inch water main in Rock Creek Church Road Northwest from Upshur Street to Harewood Road and south in Harewood Road to Michigan Avenue, $46,000 . For three thousand one hundred feet of twenty-inch water main from Thirty-third Place and Woodley Road Northwest to Con- necticut Avenue in vicinity of Macomb Street Northwest, $25,000 . D uring the fisc al ye ar en ding June 30, 1935, the Comm issio ners of the District of Columbia are authorized to allow a reduction of not to exceed 25 pe r cent um in the wa ter cha rges w ithin the Di strict of Columbia fixed by existing law, and the present metered allow- ance of 7,500 cubic feet is increased to 10,000 cubic feet during such fiscal year . The rates of assessment for laying or constructing water mains and service sewers in the District of Columbia under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the laying of water mains and servi ce se wers, and for other pur poses " , approved April 22, 1904, are hereby established at $1 .50 per linear foot for any water mains and service sewers constructed or laid on and after July 1, 19 3 4 : P rovid ed, That th e asse ssment rate herein presc ribed s hall b e applicable to assessments for sewer and water mains constructed and laid subsequent to January 1, 1923, in the subdivision of Barry Farm, as said subdivision appears on the records of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia . SEC. 2 . That the services of draftsmen, assistant engineers, levelers, transitmen, rodmen, chainmen, computers, copyists, overseers, and inspe ctors temp orar ily r equir ed i n con necti on wi th s ewer, wate r, street, stree t-clea ning, or roa d work , or co nstruc tion a nd rep air of buildings and bridges, or any general or special engineering or con- struction work autho rized by appropriatio ns may be employed exclusively to carry into effect said appropriations when specifically