Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/11

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LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. .Xi Pqe. Carlo de Luca, claim of. AN ACT To confer jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear and determine the claim of Carlo de Luca________________________ June 26,1934__ 1452 International Arms and Fu,e Company, Inc., claim of. AN ACT Conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear and determine the claims of the International Arms and Fuze Company, Incorporated_______________________________ June 26,1934 __ Marie Louise Belanger. AN ACT For the relief of Marie Louise Belanger_June 26, 1934__ Stella D. Wickeraham. AN ACT For the relief of Stella D. Wickersham ___ June 26, 1934 __ Cornelia Claiborne. AN ACT For the relief of Cornelia Claiborne ________ June 26, 1934 __ 1452 1453 1453 1453 Wakicun,ewin, heirs. AN ACT For the relief of the rightful heirs of Wakicunzewin. an Indian _______________________________________________________ June 26, 1934_ _ 1454 Dongji Inveatment Company, Limited. AN ACT For the relief of the Dongji Investment Company, Limited.,. ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ June 26, 1934 __ H. N. WiZcoz. AN ACT For the relief of H. N . Wilcox _________________ June 26,1934__ Charles E. Secord. AN ACT For the relief of Charles E. Secord __________ June 26,1934__ Mary Seeley Watson. AN ACT For the relief of Mary Seeley Watson ______ June 26,1934__ Arthur Hansel. AN ACT For the relief of Arthur HanseL _______________ June 26,1934__ J. B. Walker. AN ACT For the relief of J. B . Walker ___________________ June 26,1934__ Muriel Crichton. AN ACT For the relief of Muriel Crichton_____________ June 26,1934 __ Joanna A. Sheehan. AN ACT For the relief of Joanna A. Sheehan ________ June 26, 1934 __ Robert N. Stockton. AN ACT For the relief of Robert N. Stockton ________ June 26, 1934 __ Silas B. Latorence. AN ACT For the relief of Silas B. Lawrenoo __________ June 26, 1934 __ W. B. Ford. AN ACT For the relief of W. B . Ford_____________________ June 26,1934__ Jerry O'Shea. AN ACT For the relief of Jerry O'Shea___________________ June 26, 1934 __ William S. Steward. AN ACT For the relief of William S. Steward _______ June 26, 19M__ Frank Baglione. AN ACT For the relief of Frank Baglione ______________ June 26, 1934__ 1454 1454 1455 1455 1456 1456 1456 1457 1457 1458 1458 1459 1459 1459 Church of the Good Shepherd. AN ACT To provide for the refund or abatement of the cus- toms duty on altar candlesticks and C1"088 imported for the Church of the Good Shepherd, Memphis, TeDD~..,--------------------------------JUDe 26, 1934__ 1460 D. F. Tyl«' Corporation and the Ntw/olk Dredging Company. AN ACT For the relief of the D. F . Tyler Corporation and the Norfolk Dred~g Company _______ June 26, 1934__ 1460 Boston g:rl~~rlli:gis-~~-~~'!.,.:..18:55, 8 July 2014 (UTC)18:55, 8 July 2014 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk) 18:55, 8 July 2014 (UTC)---18:55, 8 July 2014 (UTC)18:55, 8 July 2014 (UTC)~~:;:n:2r.r;~1~~ 1461 B. J. Sam~. AN ACT For the relief of B. J . Sample __________________ June 26, 1934__ 1461 Firat State Bank and Trust ComJlGn1l, of Miaaion, Te:M8. AN ACT For the relief of the First State Bank and Trust Company, of Mission, Texas ________________ June 26,1934__ 1462 A. L . Ostrander. AN ACT For the relief of A. L . Ostrander _____________ June 27,1934__ 1462 Archibald MacDonald. AN ACT For the relief of Archibald MacDonald ____ June 2!,.1934__ 1462 Lucy B. Hert, and J. W. Hert,. AN ACT For the relief of Lucy B. Hertz and J. w . Hertz ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ June 27, 1934__ 1463 Uldric Thompson, Junior. AN ACT For the relief of Uldric Thompson, Junior Thomaa E.-iiTarmstroBot (talk) --A~rACT-F~rth~-reIi~"-~i Th~m~-E.-ReTarmstroBot (talk) -_ -_ -_ -_ - _ - _ -_ - _ - _~ ~ ~ ~ ~, \~ ~t ~ Bert Moore. AN ACT For the relief of Bert Moore _____________________ June 27,1934__ Jennie Walton. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Jennie Walton ____ June 27, 1934 __ 1463 1464 1464 1464 Mra. C . A . Toline, heirs. AN ACT For the relief of the legal beneficiaries and heirs of Mrs. C . A . Toline _____________________________________________ June 27, 1934_ _ 1465 Margoth Olsen "on Struve. AN ACT For the relief of Margoth Olsen von Struve ____________________ ______________________ ___________________ June 27, 1934_ _ 1465 Ransome Cooyate. AN ACT For the relief of Ransome Cooyate __________ June 27, 1934__ 1465 John N~~":18:55, 8 July 2014 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk) !~~ __~~ _TarmstroBot (talk) _TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk) 18:55, 8 July 2014 (UTC) ~~_TarmstroBot (talk) 18:55, 8 July 2014 (UTC) _~~ _~~_~~u~2~:uiTarmstroBot (talk) 1466 White B. Miller. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of White B. Miller __ June 27, 1934__ 1466 McNeill-AUman. Conatruction CompanYj..lnc., etc. AN ACT Authorisin,-the relief of the McNeill-Allman Construction \.iOmpany, Incorporated, of W. E . McNeill, Lee Allman, and John Allman stockholders of the McNeill-Allman Construction Com- pany, Incorporated, and W. E . McNeill, dissolution agent of McNeill-Allman Con- struction COmJ!an~ to sue in the United States Court of Claims ____ June 27, 1934__ 1467 J. A. Tippit, etc. AN A\.iT Authorizin, the Court of Claims to hear, considerL~judicate, and enterjudgment upon the claims against the United States of J. A . ·lippit, L. P. Hudso~ Chester Howe, J. E . Arnold, JoaeJ)h W. Gillette, J. S. Bounds, W. N . Vernon, T. B . ~ullivan, J. H . Neill, David C. McCallib, J. J . Beckham, and John Toles __ - _. _____ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ June 28, 1934__ 1467