Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/30

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1302 73d CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS. 19-21. FEBRUARY 20,1934. States Army Francis N. Dominick shall be held and considered to have served without desertion as a privat.e, Sixty-sixth Company, United States Coast Artillery Corps, United Army, and to have been honorably discharged from such service on October 19, ProtIito. 1903: Provided, That no bounty, back pay, pension, or allowance No back pay, etc. shall be held to have accrued prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, February 20, 1934. [CHAPTER 20.] AN ACT February 20. 1934. ---.~[cS';..=2063~.,,--:)= -0 _ For the relief of Captain L. P . Worrall, Finance Department, United States Army. [Private. No. 16 .) Be it enacted by the Senate and HOU8e of Representatives of the Capt. L . P . Worrall. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Comp- TarmstroBot (talk). allowed. In troller General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to credit in the accounts of L. P . W orra11, Captain, Finance Department, United States Army, the sum of $956.40, said amount being public funds for which he is accountable and which were lost when a safe in the Finance Office at Fort Douglas, Utah, was dynamited and robbed at approximately 11 o'clock postmeridian, October 28, 1932. February 20. 1934. [S.2552.) [Private.N"o.l~ Approved, February 20, 1934. [CHAPTER 21.] AN ACT For the relief of Charles C. Bennett. Be it enaoted by the Senate and H0U8e of Representatives of thf Charles C. Bennett. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secre- so~:n:r::A:" for per- tary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise a~pro'pri­ ated, to Charles C. Bennett, of the city of Candor, North Carolma. the sum of $5,000 in full settlement of all claims against the Govern- ment for bodily injuries sustained by him on December 16, 1927. when an automobile in which he was riding was in collision with a reconnaissance truck of the United States Army, the said truck being one of a fleet of trucks travelif!g toward Fort Bragg, North Carolina. driven by Private Thomas C. Robertson, of Fort Bragg, North Caro- PrOllilo. lina: Provided, That no part of the amount appropriated in this Art toTarmstroBot (talk)·~t!~~. f:. at- in excess of 10 per centum thereof shall be paid or delivered to or received by any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, on account of services rendered in connection with said claim. It shall be unlawful for any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys~ to exact, collect, with- hold, or receive any sum of the amount appropriated in this Act !n excess C!f 10 per c~ntun~ thereof on aecount of services rendered m connectIOn WIth saId claIm, any contract to the contrary Ilotwith- Penalty for violation. standing. Any person violating tIl(' provisions of this Act shall bt' deemed ~uilty of a misd('Uleanor and upon l'onviction thereof shull be fined 111 any sum not ex('Pcding $1,000. Approved, February 20, 1934.