Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/320

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1592 MULTILATERAL-NARCOTIC DRUGS. JULY 13, 1931. Slpatuna-Contd. PANAMA PANAMA Dr. Ernesto HOFFMANN. PARAGUAY PARAGUAY R. V . CABALLERO DE BEDOYA PAYS-BAS THE NETHERLANDS My signature is subject to the reserve made by me on § 2 of Article 22 in the morning meeting of July 12th, 1931. 1 V. WETTUM PERSE PERSIA A. SEPAHBODY POLOGNE POLAND CHODZKO PORTUGAL PORTUGAL Augusto DE VASCONCELLOS A. M . FERRAZ DE ANDRADE ROUMANIE SAINT-MARIN SIAM SUtDE SUISSE URUGUAY VENEZUELA Cople certifioo conforme. C. ANTONIADE. FERRI Charles Emile DAMRAS K. J . WESTMAN Paul DINICHERT Dr H. CARRIERE Alfredo DE CASTRO Ad referendum L. O . CHACfN ITRIAGO ROUMANIA SAN MARINO SIAM SWEDEN SWITZERLAND URUGUAY VENEZUELA Certified true copy. Pour Ie Secretaire g~n~ral: For the Secretary-General: Con.eiller juridique du Secr~Cariat. J. A BUERo I Traduction du Secr~tariat de la Soci~M des Nation.: Legal Adm" oJ the Secretariat. Ma signature est subordonn~e i\ 1a r~serve faite par moi relativement au paragraphe 2 de l'article 22, i\ la s~ance du matin du 12 juillet 1931.