Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/539

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AIR NAVIGATION -S"~DEN. ARTIKEL 17. DA frAga angAende nationalitet uppkommer vid tillampningen av detta avtal, ar det overenskommet, att varje luftfarty~ skall anses hava det lands m_tionalitet, inom vars omrAde det ar 1 vederborlig ordning registrerat. ARTIKEL 18. De fordragsslutande parterna skola omsesidigt meddela varandra de bestammelser betraffande lufttrafik, som aro gallande inom deras respektive omrAden. ARTIKEL 19. Detta avtal kan frant~'adas av endera parten genom uppsagning sextio dagar i forvag hos den andra :parten eller genom att endera parten antager en forfattning, som strlder mot avtalet." I shall be glad to have Your Excellency inform me whether the text of the arrangement herein set forth is as agreed to by your Government. If so, it is suggested that it should be understood that the arrangement will become effective on October 9, 1933. With renewed assurances of my highest consideration, I have the honour to remain, Sir, Your most obedient sen'ant, THE HONOURABLE CORDELL HULL, Secretary of State, etc. etc. etc. JOHAN BECK-FRIIS The Swedish Oharge d'Affaires ad interim (Beck-Friis) to the Secretary of State (Htdl) SIR: LEGATION OF SWEDEN, Washington, D.O., September 9, 1933. 1797 I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency'S de!~Ptanoe by Swe- communication of September 8, 1933, and to state that the text given therein of the arrangement between Sweden and the United States of America, governing the operation of civil aircraft of the one country in the other country, meets with the approval of the Swedish Govern- ment. There is agreement to the effect that the arrangement shall become effective on October 9, \933. With renewed assurances of Jipy highest consideration, I have the honour to remain, Sir, I Your most obedient servant, THE HONOURABLE CORDELL HULL, Secretary oj State, etc. etc. etc. JOHAN BECK-FRIIS