Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/615

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PASSENGER MOTOR VEHICLES-DENMARK. No. 14. SIR, TM Danish, Minister (Brun) to tke Secretary oj State ROYAL DANISH LEGATION WASHINGTON, D .C. 1. No. 30.1.8/3 FEBRUARY 2, 1929. 1873 Referring again to your reply-letter of October 27, 1928 in regard ~k~currenceby})en. to taxation in this country of automobiles and exemption from such taxation of the automobiles of foreign visitors, I have the honor to state as follows: In the last paragraph of your aforesaid letter you expressed the hope, that the competent Danish authorities, in the light of the infor- mation placed at their disposal, would be prepared to grant reciprocal treatment to American citizens desiring to drive automobiles in Denmark. In this connection I am directed by the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs to transmit to you the four copies here enclosed of a Regulation issued on this subject on January 18, 1929 by the Danish Ministry of Public Works. It will be seen that this Regulation, in view of the authorization contained in § 7 No.1 of the Act No. 143 of July 1, 1927 on taxation of automobiles, etc., exempts from the tax prescribed in the said paragraph, for a period not exceeding 3 months, (visiting) automobiles for transportation of persons, built to seat not more than seven persons including the chauffeur, which belong in the United States and are registered in the United States as the property of persons residing in the United States. A copy of § 7 No. 1 of the said Act is herewith enclosed. I have the honor to be, Sir, with the highest consideration, Your most obedient and humble servant, The Honorable FRANK B. KELLOGG, Secretary oj State, C. BRUN. Department oj State, Washington, D.C. [Enclosure 1J JOURNAL NR. 371 c. BREV NR. B. I Henhold til den Ministeren for offentlige Arbejder i §7, Stk. I, i Lov Nr. 143' af 1. Juli 1927 om Afgift af Motork¢ret¢jer m. v . givne Bemyndigelse frafalder Ministeriet harved efter Forhandling med Finansministeriet Afgiften i Henhold til nrevnte Paragraf af saadanne ide amerikanske Forenede Stater hjemmeh¢rende Personautomobiler, der ikke er indrettede til Befordring af mere end 7 Personer, F¢reren iberegnet, og som i det paagreldende Land er indregistrerede som tilh¢rende Personer, bosatte i dette Land. Afgiftsfriheden grelder kun for et Tidsrum af 3 Maaneder, saaledes at den ifornrevnte Lovs §§ 1-6 omhandlede Afgiftspligt indtrreder, saafrem.t Kl6ret¢jet forbliver her i Landet i over 3 Maaneder.