Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1010

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS . I. CHS . 808, 809 . AUGUST 29, 1935 . the United States shall reimburse the State for so much of the State funds as h ave b een expen ded i n the admi nistr ation , dev elop- ment, and management of the lands involved as the Secretary of Agriculture may decide to be fair and equitable . (j) The State shall furnish the Secretary of Agriculture with such annual, periodic, or special reports as he may require respect- ing the State's operations under its agreement with him . (k) When a State or political unit thereof acquires under tax delinq uency laws titl e to fore st la nds w ithou t cos t to the U nited States and which lands are included within a State or other p ublic forest, the Secretary of Agriculture, on behalf of the Federal Gov- ernment, may contribute annually out of any funds made available under this Act not to exceed one-half the cost of administering, developing, and managing said lands . S E C . 3 . For the purposes of this Act, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, a sum or sums out of any mo ney in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, not to exceed $5,000,000, as Congress may from time to time appropriate . Approved, August 29, 1935 . [CHA PTER 809.1 AN ACT To am end an Act ent itl ed "An Act to establish a uniform system of ba nkr upt cy throughout the United States", approved Ju ly 1, 1898, and Acts amendatory ther eof and supp lemen tary the reto . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subdivision (1) of subsection (e) of section 77B of the Act of July 1, 1898, entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy through out the U nited St ates " , as am ended, be , and is hereby, amended to read as follows "(e ) (1) A plan of reorganization shall not be confirmed until it has been accepted in writing, whether before or after the filing of the petition or answer under this section, and such acceptance shall have been filed in the proceeding by or on behalf of creditors holding two-thirds in amount of the claims of each class whose claims have been allowed and would be affected by the plan and by or on behalf of stockholders of the debtor holding a majority of the stock of each class : Provided, however, That such acceptance shall not be requisite to the confirmation of the plan by any creditor or class of creditors, (a) whose claims are not affected by the plan, or (b) if the plan makes provision for the paym ent of their claims in cash in full, or (c) if provision is made in the plan for the protection of the interests, claims, or liens of such creditor or class of creditors in the manner provided in subdivis ion (b), clause (5), of this section : And provided further, That such acceptance shall not be requisite to the confirmati on of the plan by any stockholder or class of stockholders (1) if the judge shall have determined either that the debtor is insolvent, or that the interests of such stockholder or stockholders will not be affected by the plan, or (2) if provision is made in the plan for the protection' of the interests of such stock- holder or class of stockholders in the manner provided in subdivision (b), clause (4), of this section . With such acceptance there shall be set forth, verified in such manner as the judge shall require, what, if any, contracts of the debtor are executory in whole or in part, and what unexpired leases have been rejected and surrendered . With such acceptance there shall be filed a statement, verified in such manner as the judge shall require, showing what, if any, claims and Reports . Contributions . Appropriation authorized . August 29, 1936. [H.R.7858.] [Public, No.396 .] 965 Bankruptcy Act of 1898 ; amendment . Vol. 48, p . 912 . Corporate reorgani- za tion s . Plan of reorganiza- tion ; acceptance and confirmation . Provisos . Classes of creditors whose acceptance not requisite . Classe s of st ockhold - ers, etc . Debtor's contracts and leases. Statement of claims and shares of stock transferred by per so ns accepting plan .