Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1078

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 831 . AUGUST 30, 1935 . La Grange Bayou, Florida ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu- ment Numbered 49, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Homossassa River, Florida ; Riv ers and H arbo rs C ommit tee Docu - ment Numbered 30, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Caseys Pass, Florida ; Report of the Chief of Engineers dated June 5, 1935 ; Chan nel from Apal achic ola Rive r to Sain t And rews Bay , Flo rida ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 52, Seventy- sec ond Congr ess ; Saint Andrews Bay, Florida ; House Document Numbered 33, Seventy-third Cong ress ; Waterway from Choctawhatchee Bay to West Bay, Florida ; House Document Numbered 259, Seventy-second Congress ; Intracoastal waterway from Choctawhatchee Bay to Pen saco la Bay, Flor ida ; Rivers and Harb ors Comm ittee Do cument N umbered 42, Seventy-thir d Congress ; Pensacola Harbor, Florida ; House Document Numbered 253, Sev- enty-second Congress ; Chickasaw Creek, Alabama ; House Document Numbered 47, Sev- enty-third Congress : Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for the acquiring of any lands required f or the purpose of this improvement ; Black Warrior, Warrior, and Tombigbee Rivers, Alabama ; House Documents Numbered 728, Seventy-first Congress, and 56, Seventy- third Congress ; and in accordance with the modifications of the rec- ommendation in said Document Numbered 56, submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Documents Numbered 45, Seventy-third Cong ress, and 26 , Seven ty-f ourth Con gres s ; Pearl River, Mississippi and Louisiana, from Jackson, Missis- sippi, to a point on the Pearl River between Poplarville, Mississippi, and Bogalusa, Louisiana, and with a view to providing a six-foot channel from the mouth of Pearl River to a point between Poplar- ville, Mississippi, and Bogalusa, Louisiana, subject to final approval by the Board of En gineers for Rivers an d Harbors ; Bayou Lacombe, Louisiana ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu- ment Numbered 53, Seventy-second Congress ; Bayou Lafourche, Louisiana ; House Document Numbered 45, Sev- enty-third Congress : Provided, That the Chief of Engineers may in his d iscret ion mod ify th e proje ct wit h respe ct to the sel ection of the outlet pass to be improved ; Waterway from the intracoastal waterway to Bayou Dulac, Loui siana ; Ho use D ocume nt Nu mbere d 20 6, Seventy-second Con- gress ; Bayous Petit Anse and Carlin, Louisia na ; Ho us e Do cu me nt N um - bered 225, Seventy-second Congress ; Merment au River , Louisia na ; Rive rs and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 36, Seventy-second Congress ; Lake Charles Deep Water Channel, Louisiana ; House Document Numbered 172, Seventy-second Congress ; Sabine-Neches Waterway, Texas ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Documents Numbered 27, Seventy-second Congress, and 12, Seventy- fourth Congress : Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for the acquiring of any lands required f or the purpose of this improvement : Provided further, That the Chief of En gineer s is a uthoriz ed and direct ed to constru ct all works necess ary to prevent the escape into Sabine Lake of dredged material here- after deposited on the lake frontage owned by the city of Port Arthur, and to construct suitable permanent protective works to prevent the erosion of the material so deposited at a cost not to 103 3 Projects-Contd .