Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1084

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7 4TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 831 . AUGUST 30, 1935 . Grays Haroor and Chehalis River, Washington ; House Doc ument Numbered 53, Seventy-third Congress, and Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee Document Numbered 2, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Olympia Harbor, Washington ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docum ent Number ed 21, Se venty-thir d Congres s ; Tac oma Ha rbo r, Wash ing ton ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 55, Seventy-second Congress ; Sea ttle Harbor, Washington ; House Document Numbered 211, Seventy-second Congress ; Lak e W ash ing ton Shi p Canal, Washington ; House Document Numbered 140, Seventy-second Congress ; Port Gamble Harbor, Washington ; House Document N umbe red 152, Seventy-second Congress ; Swinomish Slough, Washington ; Report of the Chief of Engi- neers, dated May 24, 1933 ; Wrangell Harbor, Alaska ; House Do cum ent Nu mbe red 202, Sev- enty-second Congress ; Wrangell Narrows, Alaska ; House Document Numbered 647, Sev- enty-first Congress ; Dry Pass, Alaska ; H ouse Do cument Number ed 470 ; Seventieth Congress ; Stikine River ; Alaska ; House Document Numbered 210, Seventy- second Congress ; Kodiak Harbor, Alaska ; House Document Numbered 208, Seventy- second Congress ; Petersburg Harbor, Alaska ; House Docu ment Numbe red 4 83, Seventy-second Congress ; Egegik River, Alaska ; House Document Numbered 51, Seventy- third Congress ; C ord ova Harb or, Ala ska ; Rivers and Harbor s Committe e Docu- ment Numbered 33, Seventy-third Congress ; Harbor of refuge at Seward, Alaska ; Rivers and Harbor s Com- mittee Document Numbered 3, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Nome Harbor, Alaska ; House Document Numbered 404, Seventy- first Congress, and Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Num- bered 38, Seventy-third Congress ; Sitka Harbor, Alaska ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Num bered 59, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Honolulu Har bo r, Hawaii ; House Document Numbered 54, Sev - ent y-th ird Cong ress ; P ort All en, Haw aii ; House Document Numbered 30, Seventy- third Congress ; Kaunak akai Ha rbor, H awaii ; House Document Numbered 35, Seventy-third Congress ; San Juan Harbor, Puerto Rico ; Rivers and Harbors C ommittee Document Numbered 38, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Mayaguez Harbor, Puerto Rico ; House Document Numbered 215, Seventy-second Congress, and subject to the modification recom- mended in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 1, Seve nty- thir d Co ngres s ; Ponce Harbor, Puerto Rico : The existing project is hereby modi- fied in accordance with t he report submitt ed in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 18, Seventy-second Congress

Arecibo H arbor, Pu erto Rico ; House Document Numbered 214, Seve nty- thir d Co ngres s . SEC . 2. That for the purpose of controlling floods, improving navigation, regulating the flow of the streams of the United States, providing for storage and for the delivery of the stored waters thereof, for the reclamation of public lands and Indian reservations, 10 39 Projects-Contd . Projects adopted for controlling floods, etc .