Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1181

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1136 Hurric ane insurance fund; sum authorized for . Provi so . Restrictions . Insura nce premiums . February 11, 1936 . [H.J.Res.459.] [Pu b. Res ., No.69.] Texas Centennial Exposition, 19 35 and 193 6 . Ante,p. 431. Allocation of funds by Commission, au- thorized . Purchases without adv erti sing . R. S ., see. 3709, p. 733; U. S. C., p. 1803. 7 4TH CONGRESS. SESS . II . CHS . 51, 52 . FEBRUARY 11, 1936 . upon th e processing in continental United States of sugar produced in or coming from Puerto Rico are hereby authorized, in the discre- tion of the President, to be transferred to the revolving fund author- ized by this Act . Not exceeding $10,000,000 of this fund may, in the di scretion of the Pres ident, be set aside in the Tre asury for use as an insur ance fund to in sure indiv idual agri cultu rists in P uerto Rico , but to the extent only of such insurance fund and its accretions, against damage by hurricane to their farm dwellings and farm buildings, growing crops, plants and trees, including trees used as shade for growi ng cr ops, wareh ouses and produ ce in barn s and ware - houses : Provided, That said fund may be so employed only during such periods as the Secretary of the Interior shall find and de- termine that commercial insurance is not available, an d at premiums sufficiently high to keep the principal of the original insurance fund intact, and policies of insurance shall be issued hereunder only pur- suant to such ter ms and p remium ra tes as t he Secret ar of the Interior shall prescribe by regulations duly promulgate . Until otherwi se provided by law all moneys collected as premiums on such insurance or otherwise in connection with the administration of such fund or the operation of such insurance activity shall consti- tute accretions to the fund and shall be held, together with the o rigin al in suran ce fu nd an d all addi tions ther eto, as a revol ving fund for the purposes of such insurance . Approved, February 11, 1936 . [CH APT ER 52 .1 JOINT RESOLUTION To amend the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution providing for the par- ticipatio n of the United St ates in t he Texas C entennial Expositi on and ce le- brations to be held in the State of Texas during the years 1935 and 1936, and authorizing the President to invite foreign countries and nations to participate therein, and for other purposes ." R esolved by the Senate an d Home o f Repres entative s of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United States Texas Centennial Commission established by the joint resolu- tion en titl ed "Joi nt reso lut ion pro vidi ng for the par tici pat ion of the U nited Stat es in the Texas Cent ennia l Exp ositi on an d cel ebrat ions to be held in the State of Texas during the years 1935 and 1936, and authorizing the President to invite foreign countries and nations to participate therein, and for other purposes", approved June 28, 1935, is authorized, in its discretion, to allocate funds from the appropria- tion made to carry into effect the provisions of such joint resolution, to the Texas Centennial Commission, the Commission of Control for Texas Centennial Celebrations, the Texas Centennial Central Exposition, and to any executive department, independe nt office, or establishment of the Government for the purchase of hi storic papers and paintings by contract or otherwise without regard to the provi- sions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, the con struction and erection of monuments, statues, markers, buildings, and other struc- tures or any part thereof, including purchase of sites, the restora- tion of historic structures, and the purc hase of land in connection with historic structures . The funds so allocated may be expended by such State bodies and Government departments or establishments in any part of the State of Texas in accordance with t he allocation by the Commission.