Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1189

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7 4'rr CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHS . 87-90 . FEBRUARY 26, 27,1936 . Corrup ting court off icer, etc . Penalty provision. February 27, 1936.

AN ACT [H. R. 1381 .] To amend Public Law Numbered 249 , Sev en ty- fi rst Congress, entitled "An [Public, No. 455 .] Act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to dispose of mat erial no long er ne eded by the Navy ." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Public Law Numbered 249, Se ven ty- fir st Con g ress, ap pro ved May 23, 193 0, enti tled "An Act to authoriz e the Se cretary of the N avy to d ispose of material no longer needed by the Navy", is amended by striking out the word "and" before the word "tools" and inserting after the w ord "tools" a comma following by " 1 boa ts and bo at equipment" . Approved, February 27, 1936 . Disp osal of obsole te, etc ., naval equipment . Boats and boat equipment added. Vol.46,p.378; U. S. C., p. 1546. [CHAPTER 89 .1 February 27,1936 .

AN ACT [H. R. 7486.]

To authorize the a ppointment of midshipmen from among honor graduates of "honor sc hoo ls" and fro m am ong memb ers of the Nav al R eser ve Offi cers ' Training Corps . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Na val Acad emy . . Unit ed State s of Ame rica in Congress assembl ed, That the Secreta ry shAppoin tment oh nor o f t h e N a v y i s a u t h o r i z e d t o a p p o i n t n o t m o r e t h a n t w e n t y m i d s h i s c b oL5teetc designated me n ann ually to the Naval Academy from among the honor gradu- ates of educational institutions which are designated as "honor schools" by the War Department and the members of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps : Provided, That such appointments sh all be m ade unde r such r ules and regulat ions as the Secr etary of the Navy may prescribe . Approved, February 27, 1936 . [Public, No . 456.] Proviso. Regulations . Febr uary 27, 1936. (H. R. 8172.] [Public, No. 457.] Whosoever corrupts or attempts, directly or indirectly, to corru pt any spe cial mas ter, aud itor, ju ror, arb itra tor, ump ire, or refe ree, by giving, offeri ng, or p romising any gif t or gra tuity wh atever, with intent to bias the opinion, or influence the decision of such officer, in relation to any matter pending in the court, or before an inquest, or for the decision of which such arbitrator, umpire, or referee has been chosen or appointed, and every official who receives, or offers or agrees to receive, a bribe in any of the cases above mentioned shall be g uilty of bribery and upo n convic tion the reof sha ll be pu nished as hereinbefore provided . Approved, February 26, 1936 . [CHAPTER 88 .] [CHAPTER 90 .] AN ACT To authorize the transfer by the United States to the county of Mohave, Arizona, of all public lan ds in sections 20, 28, and 30, tow nshi p 20 nort h, r ange 15 west, Gila and Salt River me ridian, f or public park, rec reational, and oth er mun ici pal purposes . Pnmiclanas .

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Patent to Mohave Un ited Sta tes of A merica i n Congre ss assem bled, That t he Secre tary Cou nt y, us es, for pub- lic lic purpose

of the In terior i s hereby author ized and directe d to pat ent to t he ized .

co unty of Mohave, Arizona, upon payment by such county of any 1 So in original .