Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1191

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74TH C ONGR ESS . SESS . II. CH . 91 . FEBRUARY 28, 1936 . Description-conta. degrees ninetee n minutes east two hundred and twenty-nine f eet to station numbered 15 ; thence north six degrees twenty-eight minutes west two hundred ninety-three and eight-tenths feet to station num- bered 16 ; thence north twenty-nine degrees thirty-one minutes east two hundred ninety-six and four-tenths feet to station numbered 17 ; thence north eighty-three degrees east three hundred and thirty feet to station numbered 18 ; thence south fifty-one degrees twenty minutes east one hundred and thirty-one feet to station numbered 19 ; thence south seventy-three degrees nineteen minutes east one hundred twenty- seven and nine-tenths feet to station numbered 20 ; thence north fifty- one degrees thirty-eight m inutes east eig hty-eight feet to station numbered 21 ; thence north twenty-seven degrees thirty minutes east six hundred seven and seven-tenths feet to station numbered 22 ; thence north sixty degrees ten minutes east four hundred twenty-one and two-tenths feet to station numbered 23 ; thence south eighty- seven degrees twenty-nine minutes east three hundred six and one- tenth feet to station numbered 24 ; thence north forty degrees thirty minutes east two hundre d and eighteen feet to statio n numbered 25 ; thence north 55 degrees east three hundred and twelve feet to station numbered 26 ; thence south fifty-five degrees forty minutes east two hundred and seventy feet to station numbered 27 ; thence north seventy-eight degrees fifty-eight minutes east one hundred and twenty-four feet to station numbered 28 ; thence north thirty-seven degrees two minutes east two hundred eight and one-tenth feet to station numbered 29 ; thence north seven degrees fifty-two minutes east one hundred ninety-five and five-tenths feet to station numbered 30 ; thence north forty-six degrees eleven minutes east two hundred six and one-tenth feet to station numbered 31 ; of this right-of-way, said station numbered 31 being known as station numbered 4 of a certain tract of land situate in Moanalua and owned by the United States . The above-described station numbered 31, or numbered 4, bea ring by true azi muth six ty-t hree deg rees fif ty-f ive minu tes is distant four hundred seventy-six and seventy-seven one-hundredths feet fro m triangulation station numbe red 209, establ ished by Coin- pany I, Engineers, Unit ed States Army , said Engineer triangulation station being on Red Hill Ridge distant eight thousand three hundred seventy- nine and four-t enths feet, az imuth two hundr ed and thirty- nine degrees fifty-three minutes forty seconds from Salt Lake Terri- torial Triangulation Station ; containing an area of twelve and sixty- four one-hundredths acres, More , being the same right-of-way granted to the United States of ca by S . M. Damon and wife under the title "Red Hill Tract" in deed dated November 20, 1914, in exchange for the conveyance by said trustees to the United States of America of a perpetual easement for a road over and across a strip of land eighty feet wide being a portion of L . C . A . 7715, Apana 2, R. P . 7858, situate at Moanalua, Honolulu, aforesaid, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point where eastern boundary of fifty-foot Kamehameha Highway right-of-way intersects the boundary of Halawa-Moanalua land section, from which the azimuth (measured cloc kwise from true south) and dis tance to Unite d States Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation station "Salt Lake" is thirty-three degr ees three minut es forty-two se conds, one tho usand nine hund red seventy-five and ten one-hundredths feet, thence from said point of beginning by metes and bounds two hundred and forty-six degrees twenty-two minutes thirty seconds, six thousand two hundred and twenty one-hundredths feet along land-court application numbered I