Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/131

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86 Department of Com- merce . Secretary's office. Salaries. Contingent and mis- cellaneous expenses. Printing and binding. Post, p. 582. Bureau of Air Com- merce. Air navigation facili- ties. Establishment, etc ., of aids, mail routes, etc. Post, p. 1618. Servi ces i n trict. 7 4TH CONG RESS . SESS . I. CH. 39. MARCH 22, 1935 . TITL E III-D EPARTME NT OF COMMERC E OFFICE OF 'i'ii-F . SECRETARY Salaries : Secretary of Commerce, two Assistant Secretaries, and other personal services in the District of Columbia, including the chief clerk and superintendent, who shall be chief executive officer of the Department and who may be designated by the Secretary of Commerce to sign official papers and documents during the tempo- rary absence of the Secretary and the Assistant Secretaries, of the Department, $350,000 . Co nt in gen t ex pen se s : For co ntingent and mi scellaneous ex penses of the offices and bureaus of the Department, except the Patent Office, including those for which appropriations for contingent and mis- cellaneous expenses are specifically made, including professional and scientific books, law books, books of reference, periodicals, blank books, pamphlets, maps, newspapers (not exceeding $1,500) ; pur- chase of atlases or maps ; stationery ; furniture and repairs to same ; carpets, mat ting, oilcloth , file cases, t owels, ice, bro oms, soap, sponges ; fuel, lighting, and heating ; purchase and exchange of motor trucks and bicycles and not to exceed $2,500 for purchase, including exchange, of one motor-propelled, passenger-carrying vehicle for the official u se of the Secre tary of Commerc e ; ma in te - nance, repair, and operation of three motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles (one for the Secretary of Commerce and two for the general use of the Dep artment), and m otor trucks and bicycles, to be used only for official purposes ; freight and express charges ; postage to foreign countries ; telegraph and telephone service ; type- writers, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, including their repair and exchange ; first-aid outfits for use in the buildings occup ied by employ ees of this D epartm ent ; st ree t-c ar far es, no t exceeding 8500 ; and all other miscellaneous items and necessary expe nses not inc lude d in the for egoi ng, $125 ,000 , wh ich sum shal l constitute the appropriation for contingent expenses of the Depart- ment, except the Patent Office, and shall also be available for the purchase of necessary supp lies and equipm ent for field s ervices of bureaus and offices of the Department for which contingent and mis- cellaneous appropriations are specifically made in order to facili- tate the purchase through the central purchasing office ( Division of Purchases an d Sales), as p rovided by law . Printing and binding : For all printing and binding for the Department of Commerce, including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services in the District of Columbia and else- where, except the Patent Office, $425,000 : Provided, That an amount not to exceed $2,000 of this appropriation may be expended for salaries of persons detailed from the Government Printing Office for servi ce as copy ed itors . BU REAU OF AIR COM MERCE Air-navigation facilities : For the establishment and maintenance of aids to air navigation, including the equipment of additional air-mail routes for day and night flying ; the construction of neces- sary lig hting, radio, a nd other signa ling and commun icating struc- tures and apparatus ; repairs, alterations, and all expenses of main- tenance and operation ; investigation, research, and experimentation to deve lop and impr ove aids to air navi gati on, airc raft , ai rcra ft the Dis- power plants, and accessories ; for ersonal services in the District of Columbia (not to exceed $123,071)) and elsewhere ; purchase, main- tenance, operation, and repair of mot or-propelled pa ssenger-carry-