Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1341

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 404 . MAY 15, 1936 . Arsenals . Repairs, etc . Chemical Warfare Serv ice . Purchase, manufac- ture, etc ., of gases. Part-time emplore - ment of scientists, etc . Vehicles . Pl ant s, buil din gs, machinerre, etc . Ci vil ian empl oree es . Sp ecial gas tr oops ; organization, training, etc . Current expenses . Chief of Infantrre . Infantrre School, Fort Benning, Ga . Instruction expenses. Chief of Cavalrre . Cav alrre S chool, Fort Rilere, Kans . Instruction expenses. Chief of Field Artil- lerre . Field Artillerre activ- ities . I nstr uct ion expe nses . RE PA IRS OF ARSENALS For repairs and improvements of ordnance establishments, and to meet su ch unfor eseen ex penditur es as ac cidents or other contin- gencies may require, $936,184 . C HEMIC AL W ARFA RE S ERVI CE For pu rchase, manufact ure, and test of chemica l warfar e gases or ot her toxi c substa nces, ga s masks, or othe r offens ive or d efensive ma terials or appli ances re quired f or gas-w arfare p urposes ; i nve st i- gations, research, design, experimentation, and operation, purchase .of chemicals, special scientific and technical apparatus and instru- ments, including services connected therewith

for the payment of

part-time or intermittent employment of such scientists and tech- nicists as may be contracted for by the Secretary of War, in his discretion, at a rate of pay not exceeding $20 per diem for any person so employed ; for the purchase, maintenance, repair, and operation of freight- and passenger-carrying motor vehicles ; con- struction, maintenance, and repair of plants, buildings, and equip- ment, and the machinery therefor ; receiving, storing, and issuing of supplies, comprising police and office duties, rents, tolls, fuels, gasoline, lubricants, paints and oils, rope and cordage, light, water ad vertisin g, stati onery, t ypewriti ng and a dding ma chines i ncluding their exchange, office furniture, tools, and instruments ; for inciden- tal expenses ; for civilian employees ; for libraries of the Chemical Warfare Service and subscriptions to periodicals ; for expenses inci- de ntal to the orga nization , traini ng, and equipmen t of spe cial gas troops not otherwise provided for, including the training of the Ar my in chemical warfare, both offensive and defensive, together with the necessary schools, tactical demonstrations, and maneuvers ; for current expenses of chemical projectile filling plants and prov- in g ground s, inclu ding con structio n and ma intenanc e of rai l trans- portation, repairs, alterations, accessories, building and repairing butts and targets, clearing and grading ranges, $1,483,608 . CHIEF OF INFANTRY INFANTRY SCHOOL, FORT BENNING, GEORGIA For the proc urement of books , public ations, instrume nts, and ma- terials, and other necessary expenses for instruction at the Infantry School, and for pay of employees at the Infantry School and in the office of the Chief of Infantry, $63,830. CHIEF OF CAVALRY CAVALRY SCH OO L, FO RT RILEY, KANSAS For the purchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and professional papers, instruments, and materials for instruction


ployment of temporary, technical, special, and clerical services


for other necessa ry expen ses of instruct ion at t he Caval ry Schoo l, Fort Riley, Kansas, $23,755 . CHIEF OF FIELD ARTILLERY I NSTRUC TION IN FIE LD ART ILLERY ACTI VITIES For the pay of employees ; the purchase of books, pamphlets, periodicals, and newspapers

procurement of supplies, materials,

and equ ipm ent for in stru cti on purp ose s

a nd other expense s neces-

sary in the operation of the Field Artillery School of the Army, and for t he instr uction o f the A rmy in F ield Art illery a ctivitie s, $27,191.