Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1342

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 404. MAY 15, 1936. CH IEF OF COAST ARTIL LERY COA ST ARTILLERY SC HOO L, FO RT MO NRO E, VIRGINIA For pu rchase o f engine s, gener ators, m otors, m achines, measuri ng and nautical instruments, special apparatus, and materials for experimental purposes for the engineering and artillery and military art departments and enlisted specialists division ; for purchase and binding of professional books treating of military and scientific subjects for library, for use of school, and for temporary use in coast defense ; for incidental expenses of the school, including ch emicals, station ery, pri nting an d bindin g ; hardware ; m at er i al s ; cost of special instruction of officers detailed as instructors ; em- ployment of temporary, technical, or special services ; for office furniture and fixtures ; for machinery ; for maintenance, operation, and repair of motor trucks ; and unforeseen expenses ; in all, $28,000 . SE ACO AST DEF ENSE S For all expenses incident to the preparation of plans and the con- struction , purcha se, inst allation , equipm ent, mai ntenanc e, repai r, and operation of fortifications and other works of defense, and their accessories, including personal services, ammunition storage, main- tenance of channels to submarine-mine wharves, purchase of lands and rights-of-way as authorized by law, and experimental, test, and d evel opm ent wor k, as foll ows United States, $3,915,591, of which not less than $3,150 .973 shall be available exclusively toward improving the harbor defenses of the Pacific coast of continental United States ; Insular departments, $3,379,511, of which not less than $3,141,780 shall be available exclusively toward defense projects in the Hawaiian department ; Panama Canal, $1,223 ,892 ; In all, $8, 518,99 4 . UNITED ST ATES MILITARY ACADEMY PAY OF -MILITARY ACADEMY Cadets : For pay of cadets, $1,375,920 : Provided, That during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937 , no officer of the Army shall be ent itled to recei ve any increa see in pay or allowances be cause of deta il or assignment to duty in any capacity at the Military Academy Provided, That the duties of librarian of the United States Military Academy may be performed by an officer of the Regular Army retired from active service under the provisions of section 1251, Revised Statutes, and detailed on active duty for that purpose . Ci vili ans : For pay of employees, $301 .350. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION, UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY For text and reference books for instruction ; increase and expense of library (not ex ceeding $6,000)

office e quipment and sup plies ; stationery, blank books, forms, printing and binding, and periodicals ; diplomas for graduates ; expense of lectures ; apparatus, equipment, supplies, and materials for purpose of instruction and athletics, and maintenance and repair thereof ; musical instruments and mainte- nance of band ; care and maintenance of organ ; equipment for cadet mess ; postage, telepho nes, and telegra ms ; freight and expressage ; for commutation of rations for cadets in lieu of the regular estab- l i s h e d r a t i o n ; maintenance of children's school (not exceeding $12,200) ; contingencies for superintendent of the academy, to be 104 019 o-36-82 1 297 Chief of Coast Artil . lerre . Coast Artillerre School, Fort Monroe, Va. Instruction expenses. Printing and binding. Seacoast defenses, All expenses . Mi litarre A cademy . Pare . C adets . Provisos . Ar mre deta il, pay restriction . Ret ired Armre officer as librarian . R.S., see. 1251, p. 218. U.S.C.,p.274. Civilians . Maintenance, ete . Designated expenses .