Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1393

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74TH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 405 . MAY 15, 1936 . appoint commissioners of conciliation, traveling expenses, telegraph and tel ephon e se rvice , an d not to excee d $8 0,000 for pers onal serv ices in the District of Columbia, $408,000 . Inte rnat ional Labor Liaison with the International Labor Organization, Geneva, Switz- Or iz atio n, Gene va. 1 isison with ; ex- erland, salaries and expenses : For a United States Labor Commis- p Vol.48tp .1182 . sioner and other personal services in Geneva, Switzerland ; co m- pensation of i nterpreters, translators, and porters ; tr avel ing e xpen ses of employees, including transportation of employees, their families, and effects, in going to and returning from foreign posts ; rent, heat, light, and fuel ; hire, maintenance, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles ; purchase and exchange of foreign and domestic books, periodicals, and newspapers ; purchase of furniture, Printingandbind-ing,etc . stationery, and supplies ; printing and binding ; postage ; telephone and other similar expenses, for which payment may be made in advance ; necessary technical or special investigations in connection with matters falling within the scope of the International Labor Organization ; allowances for living quarters, including heat, fuel, Gvp: 4a: p .818;u . s- and light, as authorized by the Act approved June 26, 1930 (U.' S . C ., title 5, sec . 118a), not to exceed $1,700 for any person, and contingent and such other expenses in the United States and elsewhere as the Secretary of Labor may deem necessary, fiscal year 1937, $28,000 . Bureau of Labor Sta-

BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS tistics. Salaries and expenses. Salaries and expenses : For personal services, including temporary statistical clerks, stenographers, and typewriters in the District of Col umbia, and incl uding a lso expe rts and tempora ry assi stants for field service outside of the District of Columbia ; traveling expenses, including expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Bureau of Labor Statistics when incurred on the writ- ten authority of the Secretary of Labor ; purchase of periodicals, documents, envelopes, price quotations, and reports and materials for reports and bulletins of said Bureau, $850,000, of which amount not to exceed $628,500 may be expended for the salary of the Commis- sioner and other personal services in the District of Columbia . Immigration and Naturalization

IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE on Serv ice . Salaries and expenses, Salaries and expenses : For enforcement of the laws regulating the immigration to, the residence in, and the exclusion and deporta- tion from the United States of aliens and persons subject to the Chinese exclusion laws ; for enforcement of the laws authorizing a uniform rule for the naturalization of aliens ; salaries, transporta- tion, t ravelin g, and o ther ex penses o f offic ers, cl erks, an d other Deportation, etc ., of aliens. employees appointed to enforce said laws ; care, detention, mainte- nance,, transportation, and traveling expenses incident to the depor- tation and exclusion of aliens and persons subject to the Chinese exclusi on laws , as aut horized by law, in the United States and to, through, or in foreign countries ; purchase of supplies and equip- Vehicles . ment, including alterations and repairs ; purchase, exchange, opera- tion, maintenance, and repair of motor-propelled vehicles, including passeng er-carr ying veh icles f or offic ial use in fie ld work ; a rms, ammunition and accessories ; cost of reports of decisions of the Fed- eral courts and digests thereof for official use ; verifications of legal pa p er s ; r efunding of hea d tax, m aintena nce bill s, and immigrat ion fines, upon presentation of evidence showing conclusively that col- Witn ess fees, etc . lection and deposit was made through error ; mileage and fees to witnesses subpenaed on behalf of the United States, and for all other expenses necessary to enforce said laws ; $9,740,000, all to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Labor, of which