Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/143

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98 Fishery indust ries . Statistical studies. Alaska, genera l serv- ice . Seal fisheries. Vol. 36, p. 326 . LT . S. C., p. 677. Black ba ss law, en e forcemeat. Vol. 44, p. 576; Vol. 46, p. 845. U.S.C.,p.708. Mississippi Wild Life and Fish Refuge . Construction, main- tenance, etc., expenses. Vol. 43, p. 650 . U.S. C.,p.690. Fisheries Coopera- tive Marketing Act. Expenses, enforcing, et c. Vol.48,p.1213. U. S. C., p. 571. Shell fish investiga- tion. Printing and binding. 74TH C ONGR ESS . SESS. I. CH. 39. MARCH 22, 1935 . employees, maintenance, repair, improvement, equipment, and opera- tion of biological stations, expenses of travel and preparation of reports, $164,70 0. Fishery industries : For collection and compilation of statistics of the fisheries and the study of their methods and relations, and the methods of preservation and utilization of fishery products, including pay of perma nent e mploye es not to ex ceed $ 25,160 , comp ensati on of tempo rary e mploye es, tr avel a nd pre parati on of report s, inc luding temporary employees in the Dist rict of Columbia not to exceed $1,800 , and all ot her ne cessar y expe nses i n conn ection there with, including the purchase (not to exceed $500), exchange, maintenance, repair and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for offi cial use in the field wo rk of th e Bureau of Fis heries, $60,800 . Alaska, general service : For protecting the seal fisheries of Alaska, including the furnishing of food, fuel, clothing, and other necessi- ties of life to the natives of the Pribilof Islands of Alaska ; not exceeding $20,000 for construction, improvement, repair, and altera- tion of buildings and roads, transportation of supplies to and from the i slands , expe nses o f trav el of agents and o ther e mploye es and subsistence while on said islands, hire and maintenance of vessels, purchase of sea otters, and for all expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to protect the seal fisheries of Alaska, and for other purposes ", approved Ap ril 21, 191 0 (U. S . C ., title 16, sees . 631-658), and for the protection of the fisheries of Alaska, including pay of permanent employees not to exceed $69,900, contract stenographic reporting service, travel of employees while on duty in Alaska, hire of boats, employment of temporary labor, and all other necessary expenses connected there- with, $263,300, of which $100,000 shall be immediately available . Enforcement of black bass law : To enable the Secretary of Com- merce to carry into effect the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Act entitled `An Act to regulate interstate transportation of black bass, and for other purposes', approved May 20, 1926 " (U. S. C., Supp . VII, title 16, sees. 851-856), approved July 2, 1930 (46 Stat ., pp . 845-847), $15 .000, of which not to exceed $1,800 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Mississippi Wild Life and Fish Refuge : For construction of build- ings, boats, and ponds, for purchase of equipment, including boats, for maintenance, operation, repair, and improvements, including expenditures for personal services at the seat of government and elsewhere as may be necessary, as authorized in the Act approved June 7, 1924 (U . S . C ., title 16, sees . 721-731), $15,500. Fisheries Cooperative Marketing Act : To enable the Secretary of Commerce to execute the functions imposed upon him by the Act entit led "A n Act author izing associ ations of pr oducer s of a quatic pro duc ts ", approved June 25, 1934 (48 Stat ., p . 1213), including traveling expenses and contract stenographic reporting services, $12 .500, of which not to exceed $9,500 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Shellfish investigation : To, provide. for the investigation, control, and e radica tion o f mari ne org anisms injur ious t o shel lfish in the Atlantic and Gulf States, including purchase of equipment and sup- plies , incl uding boats and fl oating equip ment a nd the maint enance and operation thereof ; hire and charter of vessels and boats ; pay of officers and crews and other personal services, including temporary employees (not exceeding $4,000 in the District of Columbia) as may be necessary ; printing and binding ; and all other necessary expenses connected therewith ; $100,000, of which $50,000 shall be imm ediate ly ava ilable .