Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1505

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7 4TH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS. 492 494. JUNE 4, 1936 . claimants, or their successors, as found and reported by the Secretary of t he Inte rior, to be com pensate d out of said a ppropria tion to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior in the Amounts found due . amounts found to be due them, as follows : Within the Pueblo of Nambe, $456 .40 ; within the Pueblo of San Ildefonso, $141 .88 ; within the Pueblo of Cochiti, $936 .55 ; within the Pueblo of Sandia, $1,292 .21 ; within the Pueblo of San Juan, $244 .20 ; in all, $3,071 .24. Approved, June 4, 1936 . [CHAPTER 493 .] AN ACT June 4, 1936 .

[H.R . 7688 .) To provide for the appointment of substitute postal employees, and for other [Public, No. 641 .]

purp oses . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Postal service . em- Su bsti tute

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the ratio of ploRyae tess o f, to r egular class ified substitute railway postal clerks, classified substitute post- employe es . office clerks, classified substitute city letter carriers, classified substi- t ute v illa ge le tter carr iers , cla ssif ied s ubst itute lab orers , wa tchme n, and messengers, and classified substitutes in the Motor Vehicle Serv- ice, to regular railway postal clerks, post-office clerks, city letter c arrie rs, villa ge l etter car riers , la borer s, w atchm en, and m esse ngers , an d emplo yees of the Mot or Vehic le Serv ice, sha ll be n ot more than one c lassified substitute to s ix regular employees, or f raction thereof, re spectiv ely, exc ept tha t in off ices ha ving few er than six reg ular employees there may be one substitute clerk and one substitute carrier, Provisos.

and one substitute in the Motor Vehicle Service : Provided That Excess of present

1 ratios,

where the ratio of substitutes is now in excess of these ratios, no addit ional classified substitu tes shall be appointed unt il these ratios N o cla ssifi ed su bsti- are established : Provided further, That the provisions of this Act to te to be furloughed, shall not oper ate to fu rlou gh or dis miss (1) any c lass ified sub stitu te railway postal clerks, post-office clerks, city letter carriers, village letter carriers, or laborers, watchmen, or messengers ; or (2) any classified substitutes in the Motor Vehicle Service . Approved, June 4, 1936 . June 4, 1936 . [H . R. 8312.] [Public, No. 642.] Rogue River Na- tional Forest, Oreg . Lands added to. Description . Provi so . Prior legal rights not affected. [CHAPTER 494 .1 AN ACT To add certain lands to the Rogue River National Forest in the State of Oregon . f Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the pur- pose of forest management and municipal watershed protection, the ollowing-described lands are hereby added to and made a part of the Rogue River National Forest in the State of Oregon and shall hereafter be administered subject to all the laws and regulations governing the national forests : Sections 31 to 35, inclusive, town- ship 39 south, range 1 west ; sections 2 to 11, inclusive, and sections 14 to 36, inclusive, township 40 south, range 1 west ; section 1, and sections 11 to 36, inc lusive, townshi p 40 sou th, ran ge 2 wes t, all Willamette base and meridian : Provided, That this action shall, as to all l ands wh ich are at this date l egally a ppropri ated und er the public-land laws or reserved for any purpose, be subject to and shall not interfere with or defeat legal rights under such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such public purposes of lands so reserved so long as such appropriation is legally maintained or such reservation remains in force .