Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1573

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 592, 593 . JU NE 19, 1936 . its original order to include any additional violations of law so Review and enforce- found . Thereafter the provisions of section 11 of said Act of Octo- me nt of Commission's or ders .

ber 15, 1914, as to review and enforcement of orders of the Commis- Vol. 38, p. 734; Vol. 4s, p. 1102. sion shall in all things apply to such modified or amended order. If upon review as provided in said section 11 the court shall set aside such modified or amen ded order, the or iginal order shal l not be affected thereby, but it shall be and remain in force and effect as fully and to the same extent as if such supplementary proceedings had not bee n taken . Discounts, rebates, a llowa nces, adve rtisi ng SE C . 3 . It shall be unlawful for any person engage d in commerce, service c harges . in the course of such commerce, to be a party to, or assist in, any transaction of sale, or contract to sell, which discriminates to his knowledge against competitors of the purchaser, in that, any dis- count, reba te, allowance, o r advertising ser vice charge is gr anted to the purchaser over and above any discount, rebate, allowance, or advertising service charge available at the time of such transaction to said competitors in respect of a sale of goods of like grade, quality, sales, etc ., at ass- and quantity ; to sell, or contract to sell, goods in any part of the cri minatory prices to destroy competition . United States at prices lower than those exacted by said person else- where in the United States for the purpose of destroying competi- tion, or eliminating a competitor in such part of the United States ; or, to sell, or contract to sell, goods at unreasonably low prices for the purpose of destroying competition or eliminating a competitor . Penalty for violation . Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereo, be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both . Cooperative assoeia » tions

SEC . 4 . Nothing in this Act shall prevent a cooperative association . from returning to its members, producers, or consumers the whole, or any part of, the net earnings or surplus resulting from its trading operati ons, in proporti on to their purch ases or sales fro m, to, or tough the association . Approved, June 19, 1936 . June 19, 1036 . [11 . R . 12074 .] [Public, No. 693.] Jemez and Pecos pueblos, N . Mex . Consolidation in to Pueblo de Jemez . Property, etc., held by either to be vested in consolidated tribe. Use of funds of either tribe . [CHAPTER 593 .] AN ACT To consolidate the Indian pueblos of Jemez and Pecos, New Mexico . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Pueblo Indian tribes of New Mexico, commonly known and referred to as the Pueblo de Jemez and Pueblo de Pecos, be, and they are hereby, consolidated and merged into one tribe hereafter to be known as the Pueblo de Jemez . SEC. 2 . That all property, real or personal, rights, titles, interests, claims, or demands of whatsoever kind or natu re, now held or claimed by either of said tribes, or communities shall be, and hereby are, vested in the consolidated tribe . SEC. 3 . That t he unexpen ded balan ce of any funds here tofore awarded to, appropriated for, or hereafter to be appropriated by Congress for the use or benefit of either of said tribes or pueblos referred to shall be held for and applied to the use and benefit of said consolidated and merged tribe or pueblo, known as Pueblo de Jemez, subject to all limitations or restrictions now applicable to s aid funds . Approved, June 19, 1936 .