Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1586

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7 4Tx CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 619, 620. JUNE 20, 1936 .

1541 National Convention of the American Legion to be held at Cleve- land, Ohio, in the month of Se ptember 1936, s uch tents, cot s, and blankets, and other available stock out of the Army and National Guard supplies as such corporation may require to house properly Legionnaires attending such convention : Provided, That no expense shall be caused the United States Government by the delivery and return of such property, the same to be delivered at such time prior to the holding of such convention as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of War and the American Le ion 1936 Convention Cor- poration : Pr ovid ed f urth er, That the Secretary of War, before delivering such property, shal l take from suc h corporation a goo d and sufficient bond for the safe return of such property in good order and condition, and the whole without expense to the United Sta tes . Approved, June 20, 1936 . Provisos . No Federal expense . Bond required . [CHAPTER 620 .] AN ACT

June 20, 1936 . To permit construction, maintenance, and use of certain pipe lines for petroleum

[S . 4568 .] an d petrol eum prod ucts in the Dist rict of Columbia .

[Public, No. 714.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o America in Congress assembled That the Com- Districtof columbia . f


Steua rt Bro thers, In- missioners of the District of Columbia be, and are hereb y, author- c orp or ate d, ma y con - struct pipe lines at des . ized and empowered to grant permission to the Steuart Brothers, ignated points . Incorporated, a corporation organized in the State of Delaware, owner of that part of square 1024, bounded by L Street Southeast on the north, T welfth Street Southeast on th e west, Thirtee nth Street Southeast on the east, and the right-of-way of the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad on the south, in the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, its successors and assigns, to lay down, co nstruct, mainta in, and use not more than fiv e pipe lines for the carriage of petroleum and petroleum products from a point or points north of said railroad right-of-way within the square 1024, in and th rough Thirteent h Street Southe ast due south to the Anaco stia Riv er . SEC. 2. That all the construction and use provided for herein shall Supervision of con- struction, etc. be under such r egulations and rentals as the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may make and establish in connection there- with and all plans and specifications for such construction shall be subject to t heir approval . The Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall have full authority to designate the location and to cause such repairs or relocation of said pipe lines as the public neces- sity may require, any such repairs or relocation to be at the expense of the Steuart Brothers, Incorporated, its successors or assigns . SEC. 3 . That no permission granted or enjoyed hereunder shall vest to o property rights any title or interest in or to the land within Thirteenth Street Southeast . SEC. 4 . The right to alter, amen d, or repeal th is Act is hereb y Ame ndme nt . expressly reserved . Approved, June 20, 1936 .