Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1625

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 688. JUNE 22, 1936 . Blackwell, Okla . Blackw ell, on Chikaski a River, tributa ry of th e Salt F ork Rive r, in Oklahoma : Levees to protect people and city property ; House Document Numbered 308, Seventy-fourth Congress, first session ; es tima ted cons truc tion cos t, $ 50,0 00 . White River basin.

WHI TE RIVER BA SIN East Pop lar Bluff and Po plar Bluff, Mo . Poplar Bluff, Mo., to Knoble, Ark . Little Black R iver, Mo. and Ark. Skaggs Ferry, Ark . Big Bottom, Ark. Newport, Ark. Village Creek, etc ., Ark . Clarendon to Laco- nia Circle, Ark . Big Creek and L'An- guille River, Ark. East Poplar Bluff and Poplar Bluff, on Black River in Missouri

Leveed floodway to protect people and city property ; plans in House Doc ument Numbe red 10 2, Sev enty-t hird Congre ss, fi rst s ession ; revised cost data in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated con- struction cost, $546,800 ; estimated cost of lands and damages, $209,400. Poplar Bluff, on Black River i n Missou ri to la titude o f Ignobl e, Arkansas : Leveed floodway to protect people and property of agri- cultural communities ; plans in House . Document Numbered 10 2, Seventy-third Congress, first session ; estimated construction cost, $1,972,000 ; estimated cost of lands and damages, $632,000 . Little Black River in Missouri and Arkansas : Levees to protect people and property of agricultural communities ; plans in House Document Numbered 102, Se ve nty -th ird Congress, fir st session ; estimated construction cost, $754,900 ; estimated cost of lands and damages, $65,100 . Skaggs Ferry, on Black River east of Pocahontas, in Arkansas Leve es to pr otect pe ople and propert y of agr icultura l commun ities ; plans in House Document Numbered 102 Seventy-third Congress first session ; estimated construction cost, 63,000 ; estimated cost ol lands and damages, $17,100 . Big Bottom, on White River, in Independence County, Arkansas Leve es to pr otect pe ople and propert y of agr icultura l commun ities ; pla ns in House Docum ent Nu mbered 102, Seven ty-thi rd Co ngress , first session ; revised cost data in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $128,700 ; estimated cost of lands and dam age s, $19, 800 . Newport, on White River, in Arkansas

Levees to protect people

and city property ; pla ns in Hou se Do cum ent Nu mbe red 1 02, Se v- enty-third Congress, first session ; estimated construction cost, $138,600 ; estimated cost of lands and damages, $22,500 . Village Creek, White River and Mayberry District, in Arkansas Levee protection of people and property of extensive agricultural area ; plans in House Document Numbered 102, Seventy-third Con- gress, first session ; estimated construction cost, $931,500 ; estimated cost of lands and damages, $222,300 . Clarendo n to Lac onia Cir cle, on White Ri ver, in Arkansas : Le ve es to protect people and property of extensive agricultural communi- ties ; plans in House Document Number ed 10 2, Sev enty-t hird Con- gress, first session ; estimated construction c ost, $8,960,0 00 ; e s ti ma t ed cost of lands and damages, $182,000 . Big Creek and L'Anguille River, northwest of Marianna, in Arkansas : Levees to protect people and property of agricultural communities ; plans in House Document Numbered 102, Seventy- third Congress, first session ; estimated construction cost, $86,400 ; estimated cost of lands and damages, $10,800 . Upper Mississippi

UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER River. East Saint Louis, Ill . East Saint Louis, Illinois, and vicinity : Raise and enlarge existing levees to protect population and railroad center ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $1,158,000 .