Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1829

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1784 Vol.44,p.1016. Balan ce ava ilable . Ante, p. 200. Construction of des- ignated projects . Payable from Rec- lama tio n Fund . Administrative ex- pense s . Ante, p . 1781. Provisos . Serv ice s in the District . Deferment of pay- me nt of mon eys ad- vanced to reclamation fund . Vol. 47, pp. 78, 1427. Grand Coulee Dam, Wash . Construction, et c . Ante, p. 10 40. Availability. Provisos . Services in the District . Personal services without regard to civil- service laws . U.S.C.,pp.,81,85. Limi t on o bligat ions . Ante, p. 1040. Bo ulder C anyon project . Co nstruc tion, e tc . Ante, p. 1040 . 74TH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 691 . JUNE 22, 1936 . 4 of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes", approved January 21, 1927 (44 Stat ., p . 1010), the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the fiscal year 1936 is continued available for the fiscal year 1937 . Construction : For c ontinu ation of con struct ion of the f ollowi ng projects in not to exceed the following amounts, respectively, to be expended from the Reclamation Fund under the same general condi- tions as those specified for projects hereinbefore included under the caption "Bureau of Reclamation" and payable from the Reclamation Fund : Gila project, Arizona, $1,250,000 ; Salt River project, Arizona, $1,500,000 ; Grand Valley project, Colorado, $200,000 ; Pine River project, Colorado, $1,000,000 ; Boise project, Idaho, Payette division , $1,000 ,000 ; Boise project, Idaho, drainage, $160,000 ; Carls bad pr oject, New M exico, $900, 000 ; Deschutes project, Oregon, $450,000 ; Owyhee project, Oregon, $200,000 ; Yakim a proj ect, W ashing ton, R oza di vision , $1,0 00,000 ; Provo River project, Utah, $500,000 ; Casper-Alcova project, Wyoming, $1,000,000 ; Riverton project, Wyoming, $250,000 ; Shoshone project, Wyoming, Heart Mountain division, $700,000 ; For administrative expenses on account of the above projects, includ ing pe rsonal servi ces an d othe r expe nses i n the Distri ct of Columbia and in the field, $750,000, in addition to and for the same objects of expenditure as enumerated in paragraphs 2 and 3 under the caption "Bureau of Reclamation" ; in all, $10,860,000, to be imme- diat ely av aila ble : Prov ide d, Th at of this amount not to exceed $75,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Co l um b i a : Provided further, That the last line of section 10 of the Act of April 1, 1932 (47 Stat ., 75), as amended by the Act of March 3, 1933 (47 Stat., 1427), is hereby further amended by substituting "1938 " for "1936" . Grand Cou lee D am, Washington : For continuation of construction of the Grand Coulee dam, $20,000,000 ; for administrative expenses, $750, 000, i ncludi ng per sonal servic es in the Di strict of Co lumbia and in the field ; in all, $20,750,000, to be immediately available and to be available for the same purposes as those specified for projects hereinbefore included under the caption "Bureau of Reclamation", and to be reimbursable under the reclamation law : Provided, That not to exceed $75,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia : Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available for the employment of personal services without regard to the civil-service laws and the Classification Act of 1923, as amended : Pr ovi ded fu rth er, That the obligations for the con- struction of the Grand Coulee dam and appurtenant works, including thos e hereto fore ent ered int o, shall not exc eed a t otal of $63,000, 000, and no obligations in excess of that amount shall be incurred for such dam, or dams, canals, structures, or incidental works in con- nection therewith under section two of the Rivers and Harbors Act, approved August 30, 1935 (49 Stat ., 1039, 1040), until appropria- tions, or contract authorizations, or both, therefor are hereafter specifically granted by Congress . Boulder Canyon project : For the continuation of construction of the Boulder Canyon Dam and incidental works in the main stream of the Colorado River at Black Canyon, to create a storage reservoir,