Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1914

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74 TH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 726. JU NE 23, 1936 . 186 9 determine : Provided, That a bond shall not be required on account po bon d for arm y of military supplies or equipment issued by the War Department supplies to cadets . for military instruction and practice by the students of high schools in the District of Columbia . For completing the purchase of furniture and equipment, includ- »ood row W ilson Senior High ; furniture, ing pianos and window shades, for the Woodrow Wilson Senior High et c. School, $15,000 . No m oney appr opri ated in this Act for the p urch ase of f urnit ure eg Reuisition sct for s ubj

to and equipment for the public schools of the District of Columbia Commissioners' ap- shall be expended unless the requisitions of the Board of Education Pro"'- therefor shall be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or by the purchasing officer and the auditor for the District of Columbia acting for the Commissioners . For comp letel y fu rnis hing and equi ppin g bui ldin gs a nd a dditi ons designated da dangs or to buildings as follows : Anacostia Ju nior -Sen ior High School, $113,000 ; Armstrong High School gymnasium, $3,000 ; Eliot Junior Hi gh School addition, $12,000 ; Randall Junior Hi gh School addition, $10,000 ; Hardy School, second floor, $3,000 ; eight- room building on old John F . Cook School site, $9,000 ; in all, $150,000. For completing the purchase of furniture and equipment for the nit Ca rd

High ; fur. Cardozo High School, $18,000 . For the neces sary ree quip ping, inc ludi ng re pair and ref inish ing reShaw Junior Hio; of suitable existing equipment, of the Shaw Junior High School, of equipment . $20,000 . For textbooks and other educational books and supplies as author- Su o ppl l iies pt62upils . ized by the Act of January 31, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 62), including not to exceed $7,000 for personal services, $185,000, to be immediately ava ilabl e . For maintenance of kindergartens, $5,600, to be immediately avail- kindergartens . able . For purchase of apparatus, fixfi xtur es, specimens, technical books Supplies ,

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science de artments. and for extending the equ ipment and for th e maintenance of labora- tories of the department of physics, chemistry, biology, and general science in the several high and junior high schools and teachers' colleges, and for the installation of the same, $15,000, to be im- mediately available . For utensils, material, and labor, for establishment and mainte- sils, Schooli gardens, uten' nance of school gardens, $2,400 . The Board of Education is authorized to designate the months in teachers . study, et ., which the ten salary payments now required by law shall be made to teachers assigned to the work of instruction in nature study and school gardens . The children of officers and men of the United States Army, Navy, Navy Children as, Arm 9, and Marine Corps, and children of other employees of the United adm itted free . States stationed outside the District of Columbia shall be admitted to the public schools without payment of tuition . For repairs and improvements to school buildings and grounds, b udings. , etc., to repairing and renewing heating, plumbing, and ventilating appa- rat us, i nstall ation and repai r of e lectr ic eq uipmen t, an d ins tallat ion of sanitary drinking fountains, and maintenance of motor trucks, including not to exceed $975 for the replacement of one one-and-one- half ton truck, $442,975, of which amount $100,000 shall be imme- dia tely availa ble . For the purchase, installation, and maintenance of equipment, for yard me Ifr rscho ol school y ards for the purp oses of play of p upils, $7,000 : Provided, Proviso. That su ch playgro unds shall be kept open for p lay purpo ses in Hours of opening. accordance with the schedule maintained for playgrounds under the jurisdiction of the playgroun d department .