Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1925

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74rl C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 726. JUNE 23, 1936 . Children's Tubercu- losis Sanatorium . Salaries and expenses . P rovi so. Admittance of p ay pati ents . Repairs and improve- ments . Gailinger Hospital . Salaries. Maintenance, etc . Repairs, etc . I ncid ental exp enses . Truck . D istrict Train ing School . Pe rsonal ser vices . Maintenance, etc. Repairs, etc . Vehicle . I ndu str ial Hom e School for Colored Chil- dren. Salaries . Maintenance, etc. CHILDREN'S TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM Salaries : For personal services, including not to exceed $1,000 for temporary labor, $116,350. For provisions, fuel, forage, harness, and vehicles, and repairs to sa me, mainte nance and purchase o f horses a nd horse-d rawn vehic les, ga s, ice, sh oes, cloth ing, dry g oods, tail oring, dru gs and med ical supplies, furniture and bedding, kitchen utensils, medical books, sc hool books, classroo m supplies, books of reference, and peri odi- cals not to exceed $200, maintenance of motor truck, and other necessary items, $85,000 : Provided, That pay patients may hereafter be admitted to the Chi ldren's Tu berculosis Sanatoriu m for care and treatment at such rates and under such regulations as may be estab- lished by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, insofar as such admissions will not interfere with admission of indigent patients . For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, includ- ing roads and sidewalks, $2,000 . GALLINGER MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Salaries : For personal services, including not to exceed $2,000 for temporary labor, $423,380 . For maintenance of the hospital; for maintenance of the quaran- tine stati on, smallp ox hospita l, and pub lic cremat orium, in cluding expenses incident to furnishing proper containers for the reception, burial, a nd identif ication of the ashe s of all human bodi es of ind igent persons that are cremated at the public crematorium and remain unclaimed after twel ve months from the d ate of suc h cremati on; f or maintenance and purchase of horses and horse-drawn vehicles; for medical books, books of reference, and periodicals not to exceed $500; for main tena nce of non- pass eng er-c arry ing mot or v ehic les; and for all other necessary expenses, $250,000 . For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $4,5 00 . Purchase of books, musical instruments and music, expense of commenceme nt exercise s, enterta inments, an d inspecti on by New Yo rk State B oard of Re gents, and other inc idental ex penses of the training school for nurses, $600. For the purchase and exchange of one truck, $750. DI STRI CT T RAIN ING SCHOOL For personal services, including not to exceed $1,000 for temporary labor, $95,270 . For maintenanc e and other necessary expenses, including the maintenanc e of non-p assenger-c arrying mo tor vehicl es, the p urchase and maintenance of horses and wagons, farm machinery and imple- ments, and not to exceed $200 for the purchase of books, books of reference, and periodicals, $85,000 . For repairs a nd improve ments to b uildings a nd grounds, includin g fire-protection and sewage-chlorination facilities, $9,000 . For the purchase, including exchange, of one motor-propelled station wa gon, $750 . INDUSTRIAL HOME SCHOOL FOR COLORED CHILDREN Salaries : For personal services, $35,970; temporary labor, $500; in all, $36,470 . For maintenanc e, includin g purchase and maint enance of f arm implements, horses, wagons, and harness, and maintenance of non- passenger-carrying motor vehicles, and not to exceed $1,250 for inanual-training equipment and materials, $25,500 .