Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2106

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xx INDEX. Banking Act or 1935-Continued. Page. TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS TO THE BANK- ING LAws-Continued. Federal Reserve System-eontd. Reserves against deposits of public moneys____________________ 715 Reports of affiliate of member bank, waiver oL____________ 715 Loans or gratuities to bank exam- iners prohibited_____________ 715 Restriction on other employment by bank examiners__________ 716 Loans to executive officer of mem- ber bank prohibited; excep- tions, etc__________________ 716 Loans to affiliates; restriction; ex- emptions_ __________________ 717 Loans to industrial, etc., businesses exempt from restrictions on real estate loans ______ . _____ 717 Interlocking directorates, etc., be- tween banks, prohibition; ex- ceptions, etc______________ 717, 718 Consolidation of national banks, State banks, etc.; rights of dis- senting shareholders_______ 718,719 Use of "Deposit Insur8.nce"; false advertising_ ________________ 719 Punishment for certain offenses against banks; "insured bank" included___________________ 720 Reduction of common capital of any association; distribution to shareholders_ ____ _____ ____ 720 National banking associations, stock certificates of; contents and issue________________________ 720 Preferred stock of; approval of issue______________________ 720 District of Columbia banks; addi- tionalliability termination _ __ __ 720 Dividends and surplus fund_ _____ 721 Amounts paid in for retirement of preferred stock or debentures_ 721 State member bank branches, ap- proval required for establish- ment________________________ 721 Default in payment of circulating notes; security for insured de- posits not required_ ___________ 721 Bankruptcy Act, amendment, deposi- tories for money; security for insured deposits not required_ __ 721 Postal savings depositories, nature of deposits; interest; deposit of funds in Federal Reserve banks_____________________ 721,722 National banks acting as trustees; acccss to reports of examina- tions________________________ 722 Banking Act or 1935-Continued. Page. TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS TO THE BA:-lK - ING LAws-Continued. Bank examiners; retirement annui- ties_________________________ 722 National Housing Act; suits by and against Administrator _ _ _____ __ 722 Insurance of financial institutions_ 722 Limit on aggregate principal obli- gations_ ___________________ 722 Low COl-lt housing insurance; aggre- gate amounL _____________ . 722 Preferred stock, etc., of member banks; determination of capital impairment _________________ .. 722 Dh'idenos on preferred sbck_ ____ 723 Separability of provisions_ ___________ 723 Banking Act of 1935, Amendment, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, power to make loans to avert threat- ened loss to Corporation, extended_ _ 1237 Banking Associations and Corporations, deduction from gross income of divi- dends paid on certail' preferred stock of_______________________________ 908 Bankruptcy Act of 1898, Amendments: Agricultural Compositions and Exten- sions- Conciliation commissioner, fee oL___ 9,12 Application for confirmation of com- position or extension propnsal, filing of; effect________________ 942 Jurisdiction of court oyer farmer and property when petition filed_ __ _ 942 Period of redemption or confirma- tion of sale; extensions_ ______ 942 Application of enumerated prohibi- tions________________________ 943 Amending petition or answer; peti- tion for appraisal of property___ 943 Order setting aside unencumbered exemptionG_ ________________ 943 Stay of proceedings against debtor _ 944 Payment of appraised value; re- appraisals; sale of property at public auction; redemption___ 944 Conciliation commis!'ioner, author- ity, etc _ ____________ ______ 945 Status of receiver when petition or answer amended_ ___________ 945 Application of provisions_________ 945 Emergency nature of Act_ _______ 945 Corporate Reorganization- Exemption of creditors of corporation under mortgage insured pursuant to National Housing Act, etc__ _ 6ti4 Plan of; acceptance and confirma- tion ______________________ 965, 1969 Depositories for money; security for insured deposits not required_ __ 721