Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2140

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liv INDEX. EI Paso. Tex•• lease of quarters for certain Page. Government services________ _______ .us EI Reno, Okla., appropriation for reforma- tory maintenancc__________________ 53, R4 Embargo. See Neutrality Act. Embassy Drafts, American, appropriation authorized for interest payments on certain___________________________ 1896 Emergency Banking Act, appropriation for administration expenses_ ________ 1125 Emergency Banking and Bank Conserva- tion Act, Amendment, prefcrred stock of national banking associations, ap- proval of issue required_ ___________ no Emergency Conservation Work: Appropriation for ___________________ 1601 Disposal of surplus property by Dirce- tor of Procurement____ __________

$ 11

Emergency Crop Loan Act, transfer of sum available under, to Farm Credit Administration_________ ___________ 2X2 Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, Amendments: Drainage. etc., districts, loans to, by Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion, for refinancing, etc., pur- poscs__________________________ IRIS Additional loans, etc., prOVISIOns repealcd_____________________ 1819 Loans to farmers- "Farmer", defined _ _________ ______ 313 Federal land banks, powcr to execute instruments relating to mort- gages sccuring loans__ _________ 314 Purposes enlarged___ ______________ 313 Repayment provisions modified___ __ 313 Time for making, extended___ .. _____ 314 Valuing property for purposcs oL __ . 300 Loans to joint-stock land banks, time extension _ _ ____________________ 318 Emergency Railroad Transportation Act. Amendments: Carriers, assessments on ____________ . . 37(i Title I, continued in effect until Junc 17, 1936____________________ _ 376 Orders of Coordinator, etc., co n- tinued______________ .. _. 37t1 Not to relieve carrier from effect of State law, etc ______ .. ______ 376 Emergency Relief Administration, Fed- eral, liquidation oL________________ WIt Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935: Appropriation for work relief, ('tc _ ____ 115 Funds available_____________ . .. . ____ 115 Projects designated ___________ . . 115 Increases authorized_____ _ __ 116 Expenditure for munitions, etc., pro- hibited ___________________ . __ 116 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of Page. 1935-Continued. Public highways, apportionmcnt of al- locations _______ . _____ ______ 111; Expenditure hy State highway (Jp- partmcnts ___________________ . IHi Grade crossing climination ______ . _.. _ IHi Alaska, Pucrto Riro, Virgin Island:-L 116 Rules and regulations govcrning ex- penditure of funds for _ ________ lIt) Government direction of certain pub- lic works_ ____________________ I17 Farm lands, etc., loans to finance pur- chase of; terms____ ._ _____ _____ __ 117 Agricultural Adjustment Act. , funds availahle for administration of. __ 117 Availability of appropriation _ ________ 117 Disability or death compensation and benefits; special fund crcated ___ 117 Purchascs without advertising ____ . _ 117 Contingcnt expenscs, authorized ex- pcnditures ______ . ______________ 117 Administrators, officers, appointment of_____________________________ 118 Confirmation by Senatc____________ 118 Salary restriction _ ________________ I18 President to prescribe dutics, etc., of agencies ___________________ . ' _ _ _ 118 Acquisition, etc., of real property ___ 118 Rules and regulations; punishment for violation_________ ____ __ ___ 118 Rates of pay, persons engaged 011 projects_ ______________ 113 Rates for various typcs of work' Government building COl'- structioll___ _____________ 118 Private enterprise, facilities of ____ . 118 Penalty provisions_ ___________ 118 J<'ederal Emergency Relief Art of 1933 continued in forcc and effect- _ _ _ _ 119 Administrative expenses, restriction__ _ 119 Fedcral Emergency Administration of Public Works, fUllctions contiulle(L 119 Availability of sums appropriatcd_ __ 119 Sale of securities, use of proceeds_ __ 119 Articles, etc., of American manllfac- tUfe___________________________ 119 Contracts subject to existing provi- sions _ ____________________ __ 119 Unemployment Relief Act, extension__ _ )19 Reports to Congress________________ . 119 Land consen"ation and utilization, sums a "ailable for__ __________________ 781 Rate of wages, laborers and mechanics on public buildings; sums availablc for administrative cxpenses____ ___ 1013 Wildlife refuges, allocation of fund for acquisition, etc., of._ _________ ___ 383