Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2152

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lxvi INDEX. Galveston, Tex.- Continued. Harbor and channel improvement authorize(L _________ - - - - - - ___ -- Gans, Isaac, ratification of appointment pogr'l 1034 as member of Alcoholic Be\'crage ControlBoard, D. C______________ 1566 Garfield Hospital, D. C., appropriation for ___________________________ 577, HH4 Garrison, N. Dak., time extended for Lridging Missouri River aL _____ 2R8,1476 Gas. See Mineral Lands and Mining. Gas Utility Companies. See Public rtil- ity Holding Company Act of 1935. Gay Head, Mass., examination author- ized of shore _ _ __ __ ______ __ _______ 1041 General Accounting Office. See also Comptroller General. Appropriation for _________________ 11,1173 Deficiency appropriation for ________ 61,1602 CaHfornia Pacific Intcrnational Ex- position, audit hy_______________ 42 Extension, remodeling of huildiug __ ___ 600 Maritime Commission, audit of finan- dal transactions by _ _ _ _____ __ ___ 1988 Withholding of pay of Government personnel where payments made illegally by dishursing officers_ ____ 1374 General and Special Claims Conventions, U. S. and Mexico, appropriation for expenses under _____________ 75,590,1320 General Counsel. See Treasury Depart- ment. General Disarmament Conference, ap- propriation available for __ __ _____ 56, 1633 General Grant National Park, Canf., ap- propriation for admiuistration, etc_ _ 207, 1792 General Land Office. See Interior, De- partment of. General Staft' Corps. See War Depart- ment. Genesee River, N. Y. , examination authorized_______________________ 1593 Genetics and Biophysics, appropriation for investigations ______________ 259, 1434 Geodesy and Geophysics, International Union of, appropriation for contribll- tion_____________________________ 1316 Geographical Union, International, ap- propriation for contribution________ 13Hi Geography and History, Pan American Institute of, appropriation for COIl- tribution_________________________ 1316 Geological Survey. See alBo Interior, Department of. Aerial photographs for mapping projects furnished by War ami Navy DI:- partments ___________________ ~02, l7S7 Investigations for departments, ele., bv _________________________ 201 .1787 Geological Survey-Continued. Pa~'·. Mining operations OIl Indian lands. transfer of SUIIl for sup('rvi:-;ing, l'tl'____________________ v·a,1U:20,17tio PIINto IUt·o, SIIfYCYS in _ ________ ___ 3St; Transfer of effects of employee~L ___ ?02, 17~7 George Island Landing, Md., exalllina- t ion of channel to Chincoteague Bay, authorized ____ _______ ____ ________ 1042 George, Preston L., payment to ____ _ 572, 15119 George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission: Appropriation for ___________________ 1112 Functions of, continued; additional appropriation authorized; fumls available___ ____ __ _____ ______ ___ 654 Paymellt to D. Frank Culbertson _____ 573 Georgetown Gaslight Co., D. c ., lllergl'r with Washington Gas Light. Co., llut.hori;~('(L __ _____ __ ___ ______ __ __ 1268 George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission: \Vritings of George Washington- Deficiency appropriation for com- pleting printing, etc_, of ________ 573 Preparation of manuscript, ctc___ __ _


Time extended for completion of publication of _ _ _ __ ______ _ _ 1H9ti George Washington Memorial Bridge Public Corporation, authority t" bridge Potomac River ___ _____ __ ___ lO.56 George Washington Memorial Parkway: Appropriation for- Highway police, pay, etc., oL _ ____ __ 1791) Maintellance, etc_ _ _ _ ___ ______ 1177. 1796 Georgia: Appropriation for national forest all- ministratioIl___ ___________ 21\3 . 143~ Bridge cOllHtrudion authorized across Sa\'annah River, at August.a_ ___ _ _ 1479 Clark Hill Reservoir, continuation 0: survey ____ . . _ .... ______ .. 15HIi Columbus, erection of markpr at sitt' of engagement aL ___________ .... ___ 11115 Appropriation authorized ___ .. _____ . 11!15 Flood-control projecb authoriz('(L _ ___ 157[; Fort Frederica National l\fonUllll'nt establishment of, at Raint Rilllon Islalld - _____________________ . l:r;-:3 Fort Pulaski National l\1onUlIIl'llt, boundaries extcnded _____ ._. _____ 197\1 I\:ellllesaw Mountain National Battlt'- field Park, establishment, etc., of _ 4~3 Middle .Judicial District, division of, illto seven divisions; tl'l'llIS nt Thornasvillc _________ . . ____ .___.. l. 'iti) Xorthern judicial district; NeWIU\1I divisioll crcated: tPTIIlS of ('Ollrt. ,,~() fix 1