Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2191

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INDEX. cv Merchall't Marine Act, 1936-Continued. Lobbying activities without filing state- ment with Commission forbidden j penalty _______________________ _ Contr~lctor glvmg preference, etc., W:.lere he has interest; penalty ___ _ Preferl>nce in awarding contracts to ci·~izells, etc___________________ _ Unfair trade practices, etc., by COII- tr\\ctor forbidden; denial of pay- Immts to; suit by injured person; al~lotlllt of damages ____________ _ Unite(~ States officers and employees, u.;e of American ships when travel- ing abroad; exception ___________ _ Requb.itioning of vessels in national energencYi payment for ___ . Asc(rtainment of fair value j certifi- cation to Cougress ___________ _ Acts, c;tc., repealed_________________ _ Definit'ions, etc __________ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Separability provision ______________ _ Citaticn of AcL ___________________ _ Effecti~'e date _____________________ _ Merchant Seamen. See Vessels; ~Ier­ chall~ Marine Ad, 193ti. Mermentau River, La., examination Pllge. 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 auth~rized_ ________ _ ____ ___ __ _ 1033, 1593 I Mero~, li:nd., t.ime extended for bridging I< "ab~sh River at _______________ 429,12<>4 Merrima~k River: Bridge :authorized across, at-- Hav(lr.rhill-Groveland, Mass_________ 1200 LoW(fll, Mass,_ __ ____ _____ __ ____ _ _ 1199 Examil~ation authorized, N. H . and Ml~S ______________________ 1041, 1592 Flood-dontrol projects authorized, N. H; an'~ Mass_ ____ ________ _________ 1572 Mesa Verrde National Park, Colo., appro- priat'l'on for administration, etc_____ 207, , 1622,1793 Mescaler~) Indians, N. Mex., appropria- tion ~or industrial 8.Ssistance________ 1767 MeteorOli~gical Committee, International, appr?priation for contributioD______ 1428 Meteoro"~gical Station, establishment in west(~rn Montana__________________ 254 MetlakatJia, Annette Islands Reserve, Alas'~a, appropriation for village I imprl~vements, etc______ ___ __ ___ 194, 1778 Metlakatl;a Harbor, Alaska, examination authl~rized------- _____ _____ _______ 1047 Mexican :Claims Commission. See Spe- cial Mexican Claims Commission. Mexican .Fruit Fly, appropriation for con- troL., _________________________ 266, 1442 Mexico. iSee also International Bound- ar:. (~ommission, lTnited States and l\lexico. i Mexico-Continued; Paee. Appropriation for- Ambwsa.dor to _________________ 69 ,1311 General and Sp{'cial Claims Conven- tions, l'nited States and __ 75,590, 1320 International Boundary Commisllion, Fnited States and ____ .__ 74,1317 ,1631 Plant and fruit dis(' control, etc., cooperation with Entomology and Plant Quarantine Bureau_ _ 266, 26R, 1443 Claims. Sce Special Mexican Claims Commission. International Boundary Commission, United States and, sum authorized _ 24 Migratory Bird Treaty Act extended to convention betwe(,l1 Unit('d Stat('il and, for protection of migratory birds :lnd g:unc mammals ________ 155.'5 Rio Grande, etc., equitable usc of waters of. 8ec International Boundary Commission, United States and l\I('xiro. Miami Beach, Fla., examination allthor- ized_____________________________ 1043 Miami Canal, Fla., examination allthor- ized_____________________________ 1043 Miami Harbor, Fla., examination and improvement authorized _______ 10:32, 1043 Miami, Mo.: Bridge authorized across Missouri Riv('r aL ________________________ 1064,1093 Time extended for bridging_______ 1536 Miami River, Oreg. , examination author- ized _____________________ 335, 1047, 1595 Michigan: Appropriation for national forest ad- ministration_________________ 263, 1438 Bridge authorized across Saint Clair Rh'er at Port Huron____________ 1067 Charlotte, eonveyance of post-office site to____ .. ________________________ 1141 Eastern District, judgeship, filling va- cancy_________________________ 659 Forty-Mile Point J..ighthouse Reserva- tion, conveyance of portion of, to_ 307 Government Island Lighthouse Reser- vation transferred to Department of Agriculture__________________ 307 Grand Haven, conveyance of portions of lighthouse reservation to____ 292, 1911 Grand Island Harbor Range Lighthouse Reservation, conveyance of portion of, to__________________ ________ 307 Greenbush, pier constructed by Carl E. Schmidt, legalized____ ___________ 1049 Grosse lIe Ughthouse Rl'servation, transfer of, to Treasury Depart- menL ________________ . ________ 307