Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2251

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INDEX. clxv Thurberia Weevil Control, appropriation Pace. for___________________________ 268, 1443 Tia Juana River, equitable use of waters of. See International Boundary Com- mission, United States and Mexico. Tia Juana River, Calif., examination authonzed_______________________ 1595 Tillamook RiV'er, Oreg., examination authorized_______ ______________ 335, 1595 Timber Culture Laws. See Public Lands. Tin, protection of domestic sources of. See Tin-Plate Scrap. Tin-Plate Scrap, exportation prohibited except under license; penalty for violation_ ________________________ 1140 Tioga River, N. Y ., examination au- thorized _ _ _______________________ 1593 Tioghnioga River, N. Y., examination authorized_ ___________ ___________ 1593 Tionesta, Pa., bridge authorized across Allegheny River at________________ 910 Tlingit Indians, Alaska, suits authorized to settle claims___________________ 388 Tobacco. See also Agricultural Adjust- ment Act, Amendments; Tobacco Control Compacts; Tobacco Inspec- tion Act. Appropriation for- Investigations _________________ 261, 1435 Statistics, collection, etc., 0'- ___ _ 276, 1451 Statistics, collection and publication of _ 893 Tobacco Control Compacts: Consent of Congress to producing States to enter; uniformity requirement_ _ 1239 Virginia Tobacco Control Act as basis_ _______________________ 1239 Right reserved to withdraw consent- 1239 Price-fixing, monopolies, etc., pro- hibited______________________ 1239 Definitions_______________ - _____

Advances to State commissions au- thorized; repayment _______ - - - - - Conferences with producers, ete______ _ Georgia Tobacco Belt, advances to produc~r associations authorized, 1936_________________________ _ 1240 1240 1240 1240 Availability of Department of Agri- culture facilities to associations_ __ 1241 Appropriation authorized for loans and expenses_______________________ 1241 Appropriation for___ ______ ________ 1617 Transfer of funds to other Federal and State agencies authorized__ _ 1241 Puerto Rican cigar-filler tobacco, reg- ulation of, if designated compacts become effE'Ctive________________ 1241 Determination by Secretary of world production for each crop year___ 1241 "Crop year" defined______ _______ 1241 Tobacco Control Compacts-Continued. Puerto Rican cigar-filler tobacco, regu- lation of, if designated compacts become etlective-Continued. Marketing quota, establishment of; method of computation _______ _ Quotas for individual farms _____ _ Quota adjustments for maintenance of normal world stocks _______ _ Marketing certificates, issuance, etc_ Payments to producers for deficits in quotas; rate ____________ _ Prohibition on sale without cer- tificates___________________ _ Proceeds from certificate sale to be held Pace. 1241 1242 1242 1242 1242 1242 as separate fund________________ 1242 Separability provision_ ______________ 1242 RegUlations to be prescribed_________ 1242 Tobacco Inspection Act: Definitions__ ___ ____ _______ ___ ______ 731 Declaration of necessity _ _ ___________ 731 Investigations authorized; official standards, samples, etc __ ________ 732 Auction markets, designation of; referendum of sellers; inspection, certification ____________________ 732 Sampling, inspection, weighing, etc.; fees___________________________ 732 Reinspection _ ____________________ 733 Judicial recognition of inspection certificates_ __________________ 733 Warehouse tickets, provisions concern- ing____________________________ 733 Market news service authorized____ ___ 733 Unlawful acts; violations may be pub- lished; penalty _ __ _ _______ ___ _ 733, 734 Joint responsibility ____ _______ __ __ _ 734 Rules, regulations; cooperation "ith other agencies __________________ 734 Personnel; expenses authorized_ ____ 735 Appropriation for___________ 1115, 1450 Hearings; oaths; subpenas,etc_______ 735 Separability of provisions_ ___________ 735 Delegation of duties_________________ 735 Short title_ _ ____________ ___ __ ____ __ 735 Tobacco River, Mieh., examination au- thonzed_________________________ 1046 Todd. Comdr. Perey, British Navy, pres- entation of Distinguished Service Medal to, authorized______________ 1214 Toledo Harbor, Ohio. improvement au- thorized_ _______ ____ ____ _______ __ 1037 Tombigbee River, Ala•• examination and improvement authorized _______ 1033 ,1044 Tonawanda Channel, N. Y ., improve- ment authorized___ ___ ____ ________ 1037 Tongue River Indians. Mont., appropria- tion for industrial assistance________ 1767 Topeka. Kans., flood-control project au- thorized_________________________ 1588