Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2260

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clxxiv INDEX. Vessels-Contintll'd. Page. Veterans-Continued. Page. Seamen-Continued. Citizenship requirements; licensed officers and pilots; crew ________ 193.) Filling vacancies while 011 foreign voyage _ _ _ _ _________ ___ _____ Hl36 Penalty for yiolation_ _ __ __ 193G Certificates, licellses, etc., issued by Bureau of Marine Inspection aud Navigation, penalty for un- lawful possession, usc, etc_ _ ____ 1936 Enforcement of provisions_ _ _ _ _ ____ 193fl Fishing or whaling vessels, and yachts excepted from provi- sions________________________ 1936 Separability pro\'isiOl! _ _ ___ ______ __ 1936 Appropriation authorizcd_ _ ____ __ __ 1936 Smuggling. See Anti-Smuggling Act. Trading by unlicensed; tax-unpaid goods on board; forfeiture_ ____ __ __ 529 Transportation of dangerous cargoes in navigable waters; inspection; regu- lations; penalty for violation; ef- fecti ve date _ _ ______ ___ ___ ____ 868, 869 Undocumented vessels; numbering of __ 526 Veterans. See also Adjusted Compensa- tion Payment Act, 1936; Veterans' Administration; World War Com- pensation Act, Amendment; World Wa.r Veterans' Act, Amendments. Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936, receipt of adjusted-compen- sation benefits not to be considered in determining actual need of employmenL_____ ________ __ __ _ _ 1609 Foreign Wars- Donation of certain Army equipment to posts oL __ ___ ____ _ ______ __ 1013 Loan of War Department equipment for use at encampment of _ _____ 536 Insurance litigation, appropriation fOi salaries and expenses incident to_ 79, 1324 Laws relating to veterans' relief, com- pilation of; distribution of pre- vious compilation_ ____ ___ __ _____ 1569 Service-connected disability, rates of pensions received on account oL__ 1910 Spanish-American War, Boxer Rebel- lion, Philippine Insurrection vet- erans, reenactment of laws grant- ing pensions to_________________ 614 World War- Alien. See Citizenship and Natural- ization. Final proof of homestead entries without residential, etc., rc- quirements_ _______________ __ _ 909 Florida hurricane, Employees' Com- pensation Art extended to, in- jured or killed in____ __________ 2035 World War-Continued. Honorable discharges granted t.o soldiers disehl!rged for age mis- representation_ _______ _ _ ___ _ 1159 Paymcnt of claims for unauthorized emergency treatment_ ____ _ 724 Provisions of n~tcrans' laws, de. , extended to persons who sPl'ved in Hussia_ ___________ _ __ __ _ SGS Widows and children, eomIwnsutioll of ______________________ ~____ 2031 Veterans' Administration. Sec also Ad- justed Compensation Payment Act, 1936; Veterans; ',"orid War Ad- justed Compensation Act, AUll'nd- ment ; World War Vctemns' Act, Amendments. Appropriation for- Adjusted compensation payments___ 1182 Adjusted service and dependent pay _ 1182 Adjusted-service certificate fund _ ___ 18 Administration, etc., services _____ 16,1180 Hospital, domiciliary facilities ____ 18, 1182 Military and naval insurance _____ 18.1182 Pensions, etc ___________________ IR,1182 Printing and binding _ ______ __ ___ 18, 1182 D~fieicncy appropriation for- Adjusted Compensation Puymellt Act, 1936, administrati\'e ex- penses_______________________ 1114 Audited claims ___________________ 61 , 65, 603,605,1128 ,1130 ,1131 ,1133 Damage elaims ___ 59, 601, 1126 , 1127, 16 -12 Hospital and domiciliary facilities_ __ 597 JUdgments, payment oL ____ 60, 1128, 1642 Pensions _____________ ___ ______ ___ 51 Agents fllld attorneys, recognition of desigllated veterans' organizations; ('onditions_ ____ ___ ___ ______ _____ 2031 Prosecution of other veterans' claims; qualifications; fees, etc_________ 2032 Existing provisions not affected_ _ 2032 Penalties for illegal fees and prac- tices _______ __ ___ ____ ______ _ 2032 Repeal of certain Acts and Regula- tions _ _ ___ __ ___ _______ __ _____ 2033 "Annual iIwome" constr',led_ ____ __ __ _ 2034 Arizona, land transferred to Depart- ment of Interior _ _ ___ __ ______ __ _ 332 Authority to issue suhpenas, make in- vestigations, and administt'r oatl::;; pellulty for failure to obey order, etc ____________________________ 2033 Provisions repealed _________ __ __ ___ 2033 Buncombe County, N. C., land set aside for, added to national forests; wat('r avaiiable for use of ________ son Burial, etc., exppl1ses; time limit for filing claim for reimbursemenL ___ 203-1