Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/261

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21. 6

74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CHS. 101, 102. MAY 9, 10, 1935. Columbia Institu- tion for the Deaf. Maintenance, etc. Howard University. Salaries. Salaries : For payment in full or in part of the salaries of the officers , professors, t eachers, and o ther regular em ployees of the university, the balance to be paid from privately contributed funds, $450,000 ; General expenses.

General expenses : For equipment, supplies, apparatus, furniture, Pest, p . 1623, case s and shelvi ng, st ationer y, ice , repa irs to build ings an d grou nds, and for other necessary expenses, including reimbursement to the appropriation for Freedmen's Hospital of actual cost of heat and light furnished, $215,000 ; Total, Howard University, $665,000 . Freedmen's Hospi- t al. Salaries, eto. Contingent expenses . Ante, p. 178. Division of expenses . Field work appro- priatio ns ava ilable for work animals, etc . COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF For support of the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, books and illustrative apparatus, and general repairs and improvements , and includin g not to exceed $5,850 for pow er plant, laundry, and kitchen improvements and replacement of equipment, $135,850 . HOWAR D UNIVERSITY FREE DME N'S HO SPI TAL For officers and employees and compensation for all other pro- fessional and other services that may be required and expressly approved by the Secretary of the Interior, $204,140 ; for subsistence, fuel and l ight, clothi ng, to includ e whit e duck suits and wh ite ca nvas shoes for the use of internes, and rubber surgical gloves, bedding, forage, medicine, medical and surgical supplies, surgical instru- ments, electric lights, repairs, replacement of X-ray apparatus, furniture, and maintenance and operation of passenger-carrying veh icle s, i nclu ding not exc eedi ng $ 300 for the purc hase of book s, periodicals, and newspapers ; and not to exceed $1,200 for the special instruction of pupil nurses, and other absolutely necessary expenses, $100,260, of which sum not to exceed 12 per centum may be trans- ferred, with the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, to the sum herein appropriated for personal services ; in all, for Freedmen's Hospital, $304,400, including reimbursement to the appr opriation for H oward Universi ty of actual co st of heat and light furnished, of which amount of $304,400 one-half shall be chargeable to the District of Columbia and paid in like manner as other appropriations of the District of Columbia are paid . SEC . 2 . Appropriations herein made for field work under the General Land Office, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Reclamation, the Geological Survey, the Bureau of Mines, and the National Park Service shall be available for the hire, with or with- out personal services, of work animals and animal-drawn and motor- propelle d vehicles and equipment . Approved, May 9, 1935 . [CH APTER 102.]

AN ACT May 10, 1935 . [x .147.]

To alter the amount apportioned to certain States for public employment offices [Public, No . 54.]

affiliated with the United States Employment Service . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Em- United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 5 (a) nlv~4 Service. of the so-called " Wagner-Peyser Act " (Act of June 6, 1933, ch . 49 ; U.S. C., p.1324.

48 Stat. 113, 114; U. S. Code, title 30,E sec. 49 (d)) be amended by adding at the end of the second sentence thereof the following 1 So in or igina l .