Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/30

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LIS T OF P UBLIC A CTS AND RESOL UTIONS . Page . G reat Lakes Exposit ion. JOINT RESOLUTION Pr ovidi ng for the partic ipati on of the United Stat es in the Great Lak es Exposition to be held in the State of Ohio dur- ing the year 1936, and authorizing the President to i nvite the D ominio n of Can- ada to participate therein, and for other purposes April 25, 1936__ 1243 The Whaling Treaty Act . AN ACT To give effect to the Convention between the United States and ce rt ain other countries for the regulation of whaling, concluded at Geneva, September 24, 1931, signed on the part of the United Sta tes, Ma rch 31, 1932, and for other purposes May 1,1936__ 1246 Marine Corps, commissioned officers . AN ACT To amend section 10 and repe al sec tion 16 of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the distribution, promotion, retirement, and discharge of commissioned officers of the Marine Corps, and for other purposes", ap- proved May 29, 1934 (48 Stat . 811), and for other purposes May 1, 1936__ 1249 Bridge, Missouri River. AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Weldon Spring, Missouri May 1,1936_- 1250 Indians, Alaska. AN ACT To extend certain pro vis ions of the Act approved June 18, 19 34, commonly known as the Wheeler-Howard Act (Public Law Numbered 383, Sev- enty-third Congress, 48 Stat . 984), to the Territory of Alaska, to provide for the designation of Indian reservations in Alaska, and for other purposes_ May 1, 1936__ 1250 B ridge, Saint Lawren ce River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and com- p let ing the construction of a bri dge ac ross the Saint Lawrence Ri ver at or nea r A lexan dria Bay, New York May 1, 19 36__ 1251 Bridge, Wa ccamaw River . AN ACT To extend the ti mes for c omm enc ing and com ple tin g the con str ucti on of a bridge across the Wac cam aw River at or near Conway, South Caroli na May 1,193 6__ 1251 Bridge, Current River . AN ACT Granti ng the conse nt of Congres s to the Sta te Highway Commis sion of Missouri to construct, maintai n, and operate a fr ee highway bridge ac ross t he Cu rrent River at or near Powde r Mil l Ford on R oute N umber ed Mis souri 106, Shannon County, Missouri May 1, 1936__ 12 52 Bridge, Delaware River. AN ACT Authorizing the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Com- mission of the State of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey to construct, maintain, and operate a toll bridge across the Delaware River at a point near Delaware Water Gap May 1, 1936__ 1252 Bridge, West Pearl River . AN ACT To revive and reenact the Act entitled "An Act gra nti ng the consent of Congress to the Lamar Lumber Company to construct, maintain, an d operate a railroa d bridge across the West Pearl River, at or near Talishee k, Louisiana", approved June 17, 1930 May 1, 1936__ 1253 Bridge, Mississippi River . AN ACT To ext end the t imes for c ommen cing and compl eting the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River be tw een Saint Louis, M issour i, and Stites, Illin ois May 1, 1936__ 1253 Bridge, Ten nessee River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction ofa bridge across the Tennessee Riv er between Co lbe rt County and Lauderdale County, Ala bama May 1, 1 936__ 1254 Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near a point between M organ and Was h Streets in the city of Saint Louis, Missouri, and a point opposite t hereto in the city o f East Saint Louis, Illino is May 1, 1 936__ 1254 Bridge, Wabash River . AN ACT To ext end the time s for commenc ing and comp leting the construction of a bridge across the Wabash River at or near Merom, Sullivan County, Indiana May 1,1936__ 1254 Bridge, Mississippi River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near Natchez, Mississippi, and for other purposes May 1, 1936__ 1255 Bridge, Pea rl River . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the State Highway Commission of Mississippi to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across Pearl River at or near Monticello, Mississippi May 1, 1936-- 1255 Bridge, Ohi o River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Ohio River at or near Sistersville, West Virginia May 1,1936__ 1255 Pana ma Ca nal, i ncrea sing c apaci ty . JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize an investigation of the means of increasing capacity of the Panama Canal for future needs of inter- oceanic shipping, and for other purposes May 1, 1 936-- 1256 Agri cultura l inco me, etc . JOINT RESOLUTION Extending the ti me for the Federal Tr ade Commission to make an investigation and file final report with respect to agricul- tural incom e and the f inanc ial an d eco nomic condi tion o f agr icultu ral p roduce rs generally May 1,1936__ 1256 United States Daughters of 1812, b adge . AN ACT To renew patent numbered 25909, relating to the badge of the United States D aughters of 1812 May 4, 1936__ 1257 Gr eat La kes E xposit ion, commem orati ve coins. A N ACT To authorize the coinag e of 50-cen t piece s in c ommem oratio n of the ce ntenn ial ce lebra tion o f Cle veland , Ohi o, to be known as the Great Lakes Exposition May 5, 1936__ 1 257 Gre enbrie r River , etc ., W . Va., floo d control . AN ACT To provide a preliminary examination of the Greenbrier River and its tributaries in the State of West Virginia, with a view to the control of its floods May 5, 1936 __ 1258