Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/542

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS . I. CHS . 414, 415 . JULY 24, 25, 1935 .

497 held in public, private, State, or Indian ownership ; (b) acqu ire By pur c h ase , by purchase an y of said lands n ot so conditional ly granted at suc h price as he may deem fair and equitable ; or (c) acquire by con- By condemnation . denination any of said lands no t acquired by con ditional grants o r by purchase, so as to vest in the United States for the purposes of this Act good title to all land included in any such reserve . "SEC . 3 . The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his dis- Additional wi ld ri ce reserves convenient to creti on, t o est ablish not to ex ceed t hree addit ional wild- rice reser ves C hipp ewa sett leme nts in the State of Minnesota, which shall include wild-rice-bearing to be established . lakes situated convenient to Chippewa Indian communities or set- tlements, including all lands which, in the judgment of said Sec- retary, are necessary to the proper establishment and maintenance of said reserv es and the contro l of the water le vels of the lakes Provided, however, That there shall be and hereby is excluded from Pr oviso . said reserves any and all areas, whether of land or water, necessary Areas excluded . or useful for the development to the maximum of water power or the improvement of navigation in the Pigeon River, an international boundary stream, and tributary lakes and streams . The Secr eta ry acN r e c Necessary ~sam is authorized to withdraw and acquire, on the same terms provided terms. i n section 2 hereof, all lands which, in his judgment, may be neces- sary for the proper establishment, control, maintenance, and opera- tion of an y res erve e stabl ished under this sect ion . " SEC . 4. Any reserves established under this Act, including the Supervision of main- water levels therein, shall be maintained and operated under the tenants, etc. supervision and control of the Secretary of the Interior, in con- formity with such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, for the primary pu rpose of conservi ng wild rice beds for the exclusiv e use and benefit of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota . The sai d Stat e adminls tration . Secretary, upon such terms and conditions as he may deem proper, may enter into an agreement in writing with the State of Minnesota, through its department of conservation, or other proper State agency, for the administration of any reserve created under this Act, and f or its use for ot her or different purposes, conditi oned only that such other and different uses s hall not impair t he primary purpos e for which said reserve was created and its administration in strict conformi ty with sa id rules a nd regula tions pres cribed by said S ecretary . " SEC. 5. All costs of establishing the reserves herein authorized, etPefom In of co t sts, including the acquisition of the lands, and the construction of dams funds. or other structures to regulate the water levels, are her eby authorized to be paid by the Secretary of the Interior out of the trust fund s of the Chippew a Indians of Minn esota in the Trea sury of the Unite d States ." Approved, July 24, 1935 . [CHAPTER 415 .1 AN ACT

July 25, 1935. To rep eal se ctions 1, 2, and 3 of Publ ic Law Numbe red 203 , Sixt ieth Co ngress , [s .2830 .1 approved February 3, 1909.

[Public, No. 218 .1 Be it ena cted by the Sen ate and House o f Repres entativ es of th e U nited S tates of Americ a in Con gress a ssembled , That sect ions 1, 2, Dist rict of C olumbia . and 3 of Public Law Numbered 203, Sixtieth Congress, approved substation tDesignat ed bea ban February 3, 1909, are hereby repealed ; and, upon the completion by d ot. 35,p.593. it of the substitute facilities authorized by section 2 hereof, the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company is authorized, wi thout any further or other authori ty, to abandon an d remove the Seventh Street substation built and maintained by it pursuant to the requirements of said Act of February 3, 1909 , and 104019o-36-32