Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/547

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 417. JULY 26, 1935 . firmed communications from outside of the District of Columbia ; (b) the documents which shall be authorized pursuant to section 5 (b) to be published in the Federal Register ; (c) the manner and form in which the Federal Register shall be printed, r epr int ed, compiled, indexed, bound, and distributed ; (d) the number of copies of the Federal Register, which shall be printed, reprinted, and com- piled, the number which shall be distributed without charge to Me mbers of Congr ess, off icers and emp loyee s of the Unit ed States, or any Federal agency for their official use, and the number which shall be avaiable for distribution to the public ; and (e) the prices to be cha rged for individual c opies of, and subscr iptions to, the Federal Register and reprints and bound volumes thereof . Val id ity of docu- SEC . 7 . No document required under section 5 (a) to be published ments

in the Federal Register shall be valid as against any person who has not had a ctual knowledge there of until the duplica te originals or it Filing avai lab il- certified copies of the document shall have been filed with the Divi- sion and a copy made available for public inspection as provided in, se ction 2 ; and , unles s othe rwise s pecifi cally p rovide d by s tatute, such filing of any document, required or authorized to be published under section 5, shall, except in cases where notice by publication is ins ufficient in law, be suf ficient to g ive notice o f the conten ts of such Effect of Publica- document to any person subject thereto or affected thereby . The tion . publication in the Federal Register of any document shall create a rebuttable presumption (a) that it was duly issued, prescribed, or promulgated ; (b) that it was duly filed with the Division and made available for public inspectio n at the day and hou r stated in the printed notation ; (c) that the copy contained in the Federal Regis- ter is a true copy of the original ; and, (d) that all requirements of this Act and the regulations prescribed hereunder relative to such Contents of Federal document have been complied with . The contents of the Federal Regi ster ; to be judi- cially noticed ; citation . Register shall be judicially noticed and, without prejudice to any other mode of citation, may be cited by volume and page number . Notice of hearing unde r an Act of Con- , SEC. 8 . Whenever notice of hearing or of opportunity to be heard gress. i s required or authorized to be given by or under an Act of the Congress, or may otherwise pro perly be given, the notice shall be deemed to have been duly given to all persons resi ding within the continent al United States (not including Alaska), except in cases where notice by publication is insufficient in law, if said notice shall be publis hed in the Federal Re gister at such time that the period between t he publication and th e date fixed in such notice for the hearing or for the termination of the opportunity to be heard shall be (a) not less than the time specifically prescribed for the publica- tion of the notice by the appropriate Act of the Congress ; or (b) not less than fifteen days when no time for publication is specifically prescribed by the Act, without prejudice, however, to the effective- n ess of any no tice of less than fi fteen days w here su ch sho rter pe riod is reasonable . Payments for Fed- SEC. 9 . Every payment made for the Federal Register shall be eral Register ; depo sit . Cost of printing, eto . covered into the Treasury as a miscellaneous receipt . The cost of printing, reprinting, wrapping, binding, and distributing, the Fed- eral Register and any other expenses incurred by the Government Pri nting Office in carry ing out the duties p laced upon it by this Appropriation avail- Act shall be borne by th e appropriations to the Government Print- able. Post, pp . 1110, 1230. ing Office and such appropriations are hereby made available, and Additional sums . are authorized to be increased by such additional sums as are neces- sary for such purposes, such increases to be based upon estimates submitted by the Public Printer . The purposes for which appro- priations are available and are authorized to be made under section Vol.48,p.1122.

10 of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a National Archives