Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/587

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542 74m CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 456, 457, 493 . AUGUST 7,8,1935, Abandonment pe r- imported in to the United States : Provided f urth er, That at remitted. "Id antics any time during or within three months after the close of the expo- sition, any article ent ered hereunder may be abandone d to the Government or destroyed under customs supervision, whereupon any Exhibits previously duties on such articles shall be remitted : Provided further That entered and under con- tinuous customs cus - articles, which have been admitted without payment of duty for tody, etc ., transfer priv- i le ges. exhibition under any tariff law and which have remained in con- tinuous customs custody or under a customs exhibition bond, and imported articles in bonded warehouses under the general tariff law may be accorded the privilege of transfer to and entry for exhibition at the sa id exp ositio n and celebr ations under such regula tions as co mmi ssi on of c on- the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe : And provided further, nial Ce lebrat ions . T exas Le nte n- T nial Ce lebrat ions .

hat the Commission of Control for Texas Centennial Celebrations Deemed so lo eon e

and Tex as Ce nte nni al Ce ntr al Ex po sit ion shall be dee me d, for signee of merchandise customs purposes only, to be the sole consignee of all merchadise imported under the provisions of this Act, and that the actual and necessary customs charges for labor, services, and other expenses in con nectio n with the e ntry, examin ation, appra isemen t, rel ease, or ablegpenses reimburs- custody, together with the necessary charges for salaries of customs officers and employees in connection with the supervision, custody of, and accounting for, articles imported under the provisions of this Act, shall be reimbursed by the Commission of Control for Texas Centennial Celebrations and the Texas Centennial Central Exposi- tion to the Government of the United States under regulations to De por ts 4ree eip tss be presc ribed by the Secre tary of the Treasu ry, an d that recei pts from suc h reimbursements shall be depo sited as refunds to the ap propri ation from w hich p aid, i n the manner provi ded fo r in s ec- tion 524, Tariff Act of 1930 . Approved, August 7, 1935 . [CHAPTER 457.] August 7, 1935. [S.J. Res . 117 .] To (Pub . Res ., No. 44.] Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Smithsonian Institu- United States of America in Congress assembled, That the vacancy tion . F rede ric A. Delano in the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, of the class reappointed regent of other than Members of Congress, caused by the expiration of the term of Frederic A . Delano, of the city of Washington, on January 21, 1935, be filled by the reappointment of the recent incumbent (Frederic A. Delano) for the statutory term of six years . Approved, August 7, 1935 . August 8, 1935 . [S. J. Res. 167 .] [Pub. Res., No. 45.] Texas Centennial Exposition . Ante, pp. 431, 541; Post, p . 575 . Commissioner Gen- eral and staff; p ayment of salaries and expenses. JOINT RESOLUTION provide for the reappointment of Frederic A. Delano as a member of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution . [CHAPTER 493 .1 J OINT RE SOL UTIO N To amend the public resolution approved June 28, 1935, entitled "Joint resolu- tion providing for the participation of the United States in the Texas Centen- nial Exposition and celebrations to be held in the State of Texas during the years 1935 and 1936, and authorizing the President to invite foreign countries and nations to participate therein, and for other purposes ." Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Am erica in Con gress assemb led, That the last sentence of section 3 of Public Resolution Numbered 37 of the Seventy-fourth Congress, approved June 28, 1935, is hereby amended to read as fol lo ws : "Th e sala ry and expen ses of the c ommiss ioner genera l and such staff as he may require shall be paid out of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this joint resolution for a period of time