Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/651

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74TH CONGRES S . SESS. I. CH. 508. AUGUST 12, 1935 . For aviation, Navy, $12,336 .12 . For pay, Marine Corps, $121 .60. For general expenses, Marine Corps, $1 . Department of State . Department of State : For transportation of Foreign Service officers, $350. For salaries of ambassadors and ministers, $7.50. For contingent expenses, foreign missions, $99 .04 . men Treasury Depart - Treasury Department : For outfits, Coast Guard, $21 . For pay and allowances, Coast Guard, $1 .80. For collecting the internal revenue, $3 .70 . For refunding internal revenue collections, $5 . For enforce ment of n arcotic and nati onal pro hibition acts, internal revenue, $20 . Fo r me chani cal equip ment of publi c bu ildin gs, $12 .65 . For operating force for public buildings, $1,338 . 10 . For repairs and preservation of public buildings, $278 .72. For printing and binding, Treasury Department, $5 . For operating supplies for public buildings, $8 .70. War Department.

War Departme nt : For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $5,309 .27. For pay of the Army, $345 .97. For incr ease of compe nsat ion, Mili tary Esta blis hment , $267.34 . For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $519.34 . For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, $5. For arms, uniforms, and equipment for field service, National Guard, $209.12 . For Army transportation, $130 .21 . For pay of National Guard for armory drills, $64 .13 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army, War with Spain, $12.99 . For regis tration and s electi on for milita ry serv ice, $56 .50 . For organized reserves, $11 .66 . For bar racks and quarters, $9 . 75 . For clothing and equipage, $16 .69 . For regular supplies of the Army, $35 .64. For ordnance service and supplies, Army, 79 cents . For Reserve Officers' Training Corps, $28 .20 . Po st O ffice Depart P ost Of fice D epartm ent-Po stal Se rvice (out of the postal reve- me nt. hues) : For city delivery carriers, $81 .39 . For com pensation to postmast ers, $1,202 .8 8 . For fre ight on stamped paper and mail bags, $3 . 5 3 . For indemnities, domestic mail, $87 .21 . For indemnities, international snail, $13 .50. Total; additional Total, audited claims, section 4 (b), $26,665 .39, together with svm, increases in ra te of e xchange . such additional sum due to increases in rates of exchange as may be necessary to pay claims in the foreign currency as specified in certain of the settlements of the General Accounting Office . Judgments against SEC . 5 . Judgments against collectors of customs : For the payment collectors of customs . of claims allowed by the General Accounting Office covering judg- ments rendered by United States District Courts against collectors of customs, where certificates of probable cause have been issued as U.S.,see.80, 131 4 p . 185. provided for under section 989, Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 28, sec . 842), and certified to the Seventy-fourth Congress in Senate Document Numbered 84, under the Department of Labor, $7,711 .14 . Title .

SEC. 6. This Act may be cited as the " Second Deficiency Appro- priation Act, fiscal year 1935." Approved, August 12, 1935 .