Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/712

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 593. AUGUST 21, 1935.

667 e Contract and make cooperative agreements with States cooperative protects I tion, etc., agreements. municipal subdivisions, corporations, associations, or individuals, with proper bond where deemed advisable, to protect, preserve, main- tain, or operate any historic or archaeolo gic building, site, objec t, or property used in connection therewith for public use, regardless as to whether the title thereto is in the United States : Provided, That no Proviso- Federal obligation re- contract or cooperative agreement shall be made or entered into str ict ion . which will obligate the general fund of the Treasury unless or until Congress has appropriated money for such purpose . (f) Restore, reconstruct, rehabilitate, preserve, and maintain his- Preserving antiqui- ties and establishing toric or prehistoric sites, buildings, objects, and properties of national museums. historical or archaeological significance and where deemed desirable estab lish and mainta in museu ms in c onnectio n there with . (g) Erect and maintain tablets to mark or commemorate historic or Tablets marking hi s- prehistoric places and events of national historical or archaeological toric places. significance .

Operating buildings, (h) Operate and manage historic and archaeologic sites, buildings, etc. and properties acquired under the provisions of this Act together with lands and subordinate buildings for the benefit of the public, such auth ority to inclu de t he po wer to ch arge reas onabl e vi sitat ion fees and grant concessions, leases, or permits for the use of land, building space, roads, or trails when necessary or desirable either to accommo- date the public or to facilitate administration : Provided, That such Concessions Pro vi8o. , etc. concessions, leases, or permits, shall be let at competitive bidding, to the person making t he high est and best bi d . (i) When the Secretary determines that it would be administra- corporations to as- tively burdensome to restore, reconstruct, operate, or maintain any sist, may be organized . part icula r hi stori c or arch aeol ogic site , bui lding , or prop erty dona ted to the United States through the National Park Service, he may cause the same to be done by organizing a corporation for that purpose under the laws of the Distric t of Co lumbia o r any S tate . (j) Develop an educational program and service for the purpose Educational pro- of ma king ava ilable to the p ublic f acts and inform ation pe rtainin g gr am and service . to Ameri can histo ric and a rcha eolog ic s ites, bui lding s, a nd pr oper ties of national significance . Reasonable charges may be made for the dissemination of any such facts or information . (k) Perform any and all acts, and make such rules and regulations scribed . s to be pre- not inconsistent with this Act as may be necessary and proper to carry out the provisions thereof . Any person violating any of the Penalty (or violation. rules and regulations authorized by this Act shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500 and be adjudged to pay all cost of the proceedings . SEC . 3 . A general advisory board to be known as the "Advisory bard establ slhevd S• ry Board on Natio nal Parks, Historic Si tes, Buildings, and Me nu- Composition . ments " is hereby established, to be composed of not to exceed eleven perso ns, citi zens of the Uni ted Sta tes, to include represe ntative s compe tent in the fie lds of h istory, archaeo logy, a rchitect ure, an d human geograp hy, who shall b e appoi nted by the Sec retary a nd serv e at his pleasure . The members of such board shall receive no salary Ex pens es . but may be pai d expenses incidental to travel when engaged in disch arging t heir du ties as such me mbers . It shall be the duty of such board to advise on any matters D uties . relating to national parks and to the administration of this Act sub- mitted to it for consideration by the Secretary . It may also recom- mend policies to the Secretary from time to time pertaining to national parks and to the restoration, reconstruction, conservation, and general administration of historic and archaeologic sites, build- ings, and properties .