Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/733

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 614. AU GUST 23, 1935 . Contents of c erti fi- "(g) The factors to be enumerated in the certificate required under Ante, p. 687.

subsection (e) and to be considered by the board of directors under Factors for considera- tion wh en application subsection (f) shall be the following : The financial history and con- pending . dition of the bank, the adequacy of its capital structure, its future earnings prospects, the general character of its management, the con- venience and needs of the community to be served by the bank, and whether or not its corporate powers are consistent with the purposes of this section . Ass essm ents


"(h) (1) The assessment rate shall be one-twelfth of 1 per centum Amount ° per annum. The semiannual assessment for each insured bank shall be in the amount of the product of one-half the annual assessment rate multiplied by an assessment base which shall be the average for six months of the differences at the end of each calendar day between the total amount of liability of the bank for deposits (according to the definition of the term deposit' in and pursuant to paragraph Ante, p .685. (12) of subsec tion (c) of thi s sectio n, with out any deducti on for indebtedness of depositors) and the total of such uncollected items as are included in such deposits and credited subject to final payment : R•gulaiions g ov e rn - Provided, however, That t he daily total of such uncolle cted ite ms ing

shall be determined according to regulations prescribed by the board lected items . of directors upon a consideration of the factors of general usage and ordinary time of availability, and for the purposes of such deduction no item sha ll be reg arded as uncol lect ed fo r lo nger peri ods t han those tai neda teeords to be main- prescribed by such regulations . Each insured bank shall, as a condi- tion to the right to deduct any specific uncollected item in determin- ing its assessment base, maintain such records as will readily permit verification of the correctness of the particular deduction claimed . Cer tifie d sta temen ts ; form .

The certifi ed stat ements r equired to be f iled wi th the Corporat ion . under paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection shall be in such form and set forth such supporting information as the board of Assessment pay- di recto rs s hall pres cribe . Th e as sessm ent payme nts requ ired from ments ; t ime and man- nerofmaking . insured banks under paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection shall be made in such manner and at such time or times as the board of directors shall prescribe, provided the time or times so prescribed As sessmen t rate ap- shall not be later than sixty days after filing the certified statement plica ble t o ins ured mu- setting forth the amount of the assessment . In the event that a sepa- tuals;vping9banks. rate Fund For Mutuals is established as provided in subsection (1), the board of directors from time to time may fix a lower assessment rate operative for such period as the board may determine which shall be applicable to insured mutual savings banks only, and the Ce rtifi ed st ateme nts ; remainder of this paragraph shall not be applicable to such banks . filing ; i nformat ion to "(2) On or before the 15th day of July of each year, each insured contain . bank shall file with the Corporation a certified statement under oath showing for the six months ending on the preceding June 30 the amount of the assessment base and the amount of the semiannual assessment due to the Corporation, determined in accordance with Assessment ; semian- noel pa yment.

1 of this subsection . Each insured bank shall paragraph () pay to the Corporation the amount of the semiannual assessment it is required to certify . On or before the 15th day of January of each year after 1936 each insured bank shall file with the Corporation a similar certified statement for the six months ending on the preceding December 31 and shall pay to the Corporation the amount of the semiannual assessment it is required to certify . Statem ent of pap-

» mentdueDecember3l,

(3) Each bank which becomes an insured bank according to the rs ° Ante, p. 687. provisions of subsection (e) or (f ) of this sec tion shal l on or b efore the 15th day of November 1935, file with the Corporation a certified statement under oath showing the amount of the assessment due to Amount. the Corporation for the period ending December 31, 1935, which shall be an amount equal to the product of one-third the annual assess- ment rate multiplied by the assessment base determined in accord-