Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/76

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 18. FEBRUARY 22, 1935,

31 (2) The term " products " or "petroleum products " includes any trolenm products," oor pe article produced or derived in whole or in part from petroleum or any product thereof by refining, processing, manufacturing, or otherwise . (3) The term "interstate commerce" means commerce between m erce ters tate c oin- any point in a State and any point outside thereof, or between points within the same State but through any place outside thereof, or from any place in the United States to a foreign country, but only insofar a s such comm erce t akes place withi n the Unite d Stat es . (4) The term " person " includes an individual, partnership, cor- "Person." poration, or joint-stock company . SEC . 3. The shipment or transportation in interstate commerce i nIntt n state c oil mpr e from any State of contraband oil produced in such State is hereby hibited, prohibited . For the purposes of this section contraband oil shall not be deemed to have been produced in a State if none of the petroleum constituting such contraband oil, or from which it was p roduce d or derive d, wa s prod uced, trans porte d, or withd rawn f rom storage in excess of the amounts permitted to be produced, trans- p orted, or w ithdra wn fr om sto rage under the l aws of such State or under any regulation or order prescribed thereunder by any board, commission, officer, or other duly authorized agency of such State . SEC . 4. Whenever the President finds that the amount of petroleum Sus pe nsi on of provi- s ion if lack of parity and petroleum products moving in interstate commerce is so limited betw een supply and as to be the cause, in whole or in part, of a lack of parity between demand, supply (including imports and reasonable withdrawals from stor- age) and consumptive demand (including exports and reasonable additions to storage) resulting in an undue burden on or restriction of interstate commerce in petroleum and petroleum products, he Pro cl ama ti ons to is- shall by proclamation declare such finding, and thereupon the pro- sue, visio ns of sect ion 3 shal l be inope rative unt il such ti me as the P resi- dent shall find and by proclamation declare that the conditions which gave rise to the suspension of the operation of the provisions of such section no longer exist . If any provision of this section or Saving clause, the application thereof shall be held to be invalid, the validity or application of section 3 shall not be affected thereby . SEC . 5 . (a) The President shall prescribe such regulations as he for R ciug ations;oos en . finds necessary or appropriate for the enforcement of the provisions of this Act, including but not limited to regulations requiring reports, maps, affidavits, and other documents relating to the pro- duc tion, stora ge, r efinin g, pr ocessi ng, t ranspo rting , or h andli ng of petroleum and petroleum products, and providing for the keeping of books and records, and for the inspection of such books and recor ds and of properties and facil ities . (b) Whenever the President finds it necessary or appropriate for Certificates of clear- the enforcement of the provisions of this Act he shall require certifi- ance ' cates of clearance for petroleum and petroleum products moving or to be moved in interstate commerce from any particular area, and shall establish a board or boards for the issuance of such certifi- Establishment of is- cates . A certificate of clearance shall be issued by a board so suing Ise° ot fcer tific ate; established in any case where such board determines that the petro- leumor petroleum products in question does not constitute contra- band oil . Denial of any such certificate shall be by order of the Deni al


boar d, and only after reas onable oppo rtunit y for heari ng . Whe n- Shipment f rom pa r- ever a certificate of clearance is required for any area in any State, certificate area without ~ certiSc ate unlaw ful . it shall be unlawful to ship or transport petroleum or petroleum products in interstate commerce from such area unless a certificate has been obtained therefor .